Earnings Taxes in Certain Cities

Missouri Ballot Measure - Proposition A

Election: Nov. 2, 2010 (General)

Outcome: Passed


Federal, State and Local Relations
Government Budget and Spending

Measure Text

Official Ballot Title:

Shall Missouri law be amended to:

* repeal the authority of certain cities to use earnings taxes to fund their budgets;
* require voters in cities that currently have an earnings tax to approve continuation of such tax at the next general municipal election and at an election held every 5 years thereafter;
* require any current earnings tax that is not approved by the voters to be phased out over a period of 10 years; and
* prohibit any city from adding a new earnings tax to fund their budget?

Fair Ballot Language:

A "yes" vote will amend Missouri law to repeal the authority of certain cities to use earnings taxes to fund their budgets. The amendment further requires voters in cities that currently have an earnings tax, St. Louis and Kansas City, to approve continuation of such tax at the next general municipal election and at an election held every five years or to phase out the tax over a period of ten years.

A "no" vote will not change the current Missouri law regarding earnings taxes.

If passed, this measure will impact taxes by removing the ability of cities to fund their budgets through earnings taxes. The only exception is that voters in cities that currently have an earnings tax may vote to continue such taxes.

