Pertaining to the Establish Personalized Vehicle Plates for Volunteer Emergency Responders

North Dakota Ballot Measure - Initiated Statutory Measure No. 4

Election: Nov. 6, 2018 (General)

Outcome: Passed




This initiated statutory measure would create a new section to Chapter 39-04 requiring the Director of the Department of Transportation (DOT) to provide red personalized vehicle plates to volunteer emergency responders upon request. The measure provides the plates will not have an initial or an annual cost. Under the measure, volunteer emergency responders include firefighters and medical responders. The measure would prohibit the display of the plates on a vehicle weighing over 20,000 pounds. The measure would require the first three digits of the plates to be the last three digits of the zip code where the volunteer's department is located. The measure provides the plates would serve as an entrance pass to all North Dakota state parks.

Measure Text

This initiated measure would add a new section to chapter 39-04 of the North Dakota Century Code requiring the Department of Transportation to issue red personalized vehicle plates to volunteer emergency responders. The plates would be provided at no cost to the volunteers and would serve as an entrance pass to all North Dakota state parks. Qualifications and verification procedures for the plates would be designated by the Department of Transportation in cooperation with the volunteer organizations.

Yes ( ) No ( )


Official Summary
