Tax Day Is Around the Corner


Date: April 6, 2016

Tax Day -- one of the most dreaded days of the year -- is just around the corner. For small business owners like myself, this means months of preparation with lawyers and accountants to make certain we are in compliance with the more than 70,000 pages of regulations in the federal tax code.

If you have questions about how to file your tax return, you are not alone. Our tax code has become so complex and complicated, the everyday American could never fully understand it. You know, one of the reasons I decided to run for the US Senate is because of the overregulation and complexity within the federal government. We see it everywhere from the complexity of the VA health care system to the overregulation by the EPA. But nowhere is government complexity more apparent than at the IRS.

Unfortunately, career politicians and DC insiders in Washington only want to add more tax laws and increase your taxes. Have you ever noticed the federal government tells us they need more money every time they need to do something? We need to fix our roads and they tell us that means we need to raise the Gas Tax. And we all remember the Rain Tax. All these new taxes do is make our already complicated tax code even more complicated -- at the expense of Maryland taxpayers.

We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Career politicians and DC insiders need to stop trying to pay for their exorbitant spending on the backs of Maryland taxpayers.

For those people with questions, there is some online assistance available. The IRS provides an online Interactive Tax Assistant that can help you. Visit and select "Find Answers to Your Tax Questions." In addition, the Comptroller of the State of Maryland also provides online assistance with your state taxes as well Day -- one of the most dreaded days of the year -- is just around the corner. For small business owners like myself, this means months of preparation with lawyers and accountants to make certain we are in compliance with the more than 70,000 pages of regulations in the federal tax code.

If you have questions about how to file your tax return, you are not alone. Our tax code has become so complex and complicated, the everyday American could never fully understand it. You know, one of the reasons I decided to run for the US Senate is because of the overregulation and complexity within the federal government. We see it everywhere from the complexity of the VA health care system to the overregulation by the EPA. But nowhere is government complexity more apparent than at the IRS.

Unfortunately, career politicians and DC insiders in Washington only want to add more tax laws and increase your taxes. Have you ever noticed the federal government tells us they need more money every time they need to do something? We need to fix our roads and they tell us that means we need to raise the Gas Tax. And we all remember the Rain Tax. All these new taxes do is make our already complicated tax code even more complicated -- at the expense of Maryland taxpayers.

We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Career politicians and DC insiders need to stop trying to pay for their exorbitant spending on the backs of Maryland taxpayers.

For those people with questions, there is some online assistance available. The IRS provides an online Interactive Tax Assistant that can help you. Visit and select "Find Answers to Your Tax Questions." In addition, the Comptroller of the State of Maryland also provides online assistance with your state taxes as well
