Issue Position: Our Budget & the Financial Security of the State -- Keep taxes low and rein in spending. We cannot spend our way out of this crisis!

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

In order to get Wyoming's economy back on track and growing again, we must get our people back to work. We need to encourage and incentivize new and diverse businesses to come to Wyoming. At the same time, we must fight Washington's war on our fossil fuels because we cannot afford to lose another energy job here in Wyoming.
The Legislature must rein in government spending where appropriate, reward agencies who underspend and exercise thrift in their budgets, and keep taxes low. In Wyoming we know how mindful we have to be when addressing government jobs. Our families, neighbors, and friends are employed by state agencies all across Wyoming. My wife is a among the hardworking individuals employed by the state. I don't want to cut your job any more than I want to eliminate her job. Our government here in Wyoming comprises nearly twenty percent of our state's economic output. In addressing our budget issues, we must rein in spending and make tough cuts. But we cannot do so to the detriment of the hundreds of families employed all around this great state.
