Issue Position: Social Security & Medicare

Issue Position

As a cornerstone of America's safety net, Social Security enables millions of Americans to retire with an invaluable peace of mind, and Medicare is an effective tool that provides greater healthcare access to millions of low-income Americans, preventing greater poverty. Social Security and Medicare are two of the most successful public programs ever created, and have shielded generations of older Americans from poverty. House Speaker Paul Ryan has been working to dismantle our seniors' economic security by privatizing Social Security and cutting Medicare. These programs are a handshake agreement between the federal government and senior citizens that must be honored, and I will not stand for any attempts to undermine this commitment. Paying these benefits today is not enough; we must ensure the long-term solvency for future generations. As Congressman, I pledge to:

Fight any attempt to privatize Social Security and Medicare
Enable Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices
Oppose raising the retirement age and any reductions in cost of living adjustments
Support the wealthy paying more to protect the solvency of Social Security
