Issue Position: JB's Principles for Disability Inclusion

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

People with disabilities deserve real options that provide them with the supports they need to live independent, meaningful lives that are integrated and included in the community. We can do this by improving and increasing access to a range of reliable supports designed to meet the individualized needs of people with disabilities, and by expanding access to economic opportunity.

It's also vital that policy decisions that impact people with disabilities are made with and by people with disabilities. People with disabilities will play an integral role in my administration.

JB's principles for an inclusive administration:

Public policy decisions that impact people with disabilities should not be made without people with disabilities;

People with disabilities deserve to live meaningful, independent lives that are integrated and included in the community;

People with disabilities deserve to choose where they live and to receive individualized services designed to meet their needs;

People with disabilities deserve stable, reliable support from caregivers who earn a living wage;

People with disabilities deserve equitable access to education, housing, health care, preventive health services, human services, transportation, and other general state services;

People with disabilities deserve access to expanded economic opportunities.
