Issue Position: Economic Development

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

I am running for governor to increase wages and drive meaningful economic growth across Iowa, particularly rural and smaller communities like my hometown of Charles City that too often have been left behind. The challenges in that "forgotten" Iowa are real, and they are significant. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the annual average wage in the top ten counties in the state is $7,500 more than the average wages in the other 89 counties. This is unacceptable and has created a divide between our Iowa communities.

A real increase in wages, particularly in rural communities, starts by investing in education especially the post-secondary schools that light the path to job opportunities. Iowa simply cannot expect to be competitive and maintain a skilled workforce if we continue to slash funding for our community colleges, which serve more than 90,000 Iowans per semester in cities, towns, and rural areas across our state.

That's why as governor I will offer universal access to our community colleges so any Iowan will be able to receive free tuition at one of Iowa's 15 community colleges. This program will provide Iowans with significantly more opportunities to pursue higher education, lower student debt, improve workforce shortages across the state, and train Iowans for the jobs of the 21st Century.
