Cárdenas: Trump Continues to Screw Over the American People with Latest ACA Repeal Attempt


Date: July 9, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit will hear oral arguments on the Texas v. United States case in which President Trump and Republicans are attempting to completely unravel the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including the provisions that protect people with pre-existing conditions. That includes the 130 million Americans who have a history of a wide variety of conditions such as asthma, diabetes, acne, or even pregnancy. Yet the Trump administration has systematically undermined these protections since day one. Finally, in an unprecedented move, Trump's Department of Justice has attempted to eliminate the ACA by declining to defend the federal law and has sided with the Republican governors leaving California to argue the case.

The Urban Institute estimates that overturning the ACA would result in almost 20 million Americans losing their healthcare coverage -- including at least four million Latino adults, 600,000 Latino children, and 112,000 in California's 29th Congressional District.

"President Trump is continuing to screw over the American people with the latest ACA repeal attempt and is aiming to rip healthcare away from millions of Americans," said Congressman Tony Cárdenas (CA-29). "This is an all-out assault on Americans' health and safety. Throwing out the ACA entirely and eliminating coverage for millions of people is dangerous and irresponsible. Rather than attempting to dismantle a system that protects families and 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, we should work together to improve it and build on the progress of President Obama. But Republicans are more interested in giving huge tax breaks to President Trump and his corrupt friends than American families.

"As the richest country in the world, it is unacceptable that there are families in this country who are forced to choose between going to the doctor and putting food on the table. We can afford to create a system where all Americans have access to healthcare without going bankrupt. My Democratic colleagues and I will not stand idly by as Trump and his administration continue their attack on the ACA. I will never stop fighting to lower prescription drug costs, protect people with pre-existing conditions, and ensure that everyone has access to affordable, quality healthcare."
