Issue Position: Legalization of Cannabis

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Marijuana

Charles supports full legalization and decriminalization of marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Criminalizing marijuana use has harmed so many communities, especially Charles' own community in the West End of Louisville.

This plant is already legal for recreational use in 11 states and Washington, D.C., and for medicinal use in 33 states and Washington, D.C. It's preposterous that we're still sending folks -- disproportionately black folks, poor folks, and young folks -- to jail and prison over it.

Full legalization and decriminalization of marijuana will allow us to empower people instead of prosecuting them; it will allow us to spend fewer taxpayer dollars on needlessly locking people up and to bring in much-needed additional revenue for state and local governments; and it will give us a non-opioid solution for people experiencing pain.

Any legalization of cannabis must include measures to mitigate the inequity caused by the current system of criminalization. Legalization must be accompanied by commutation of current prison sentences related to marijuana possession, sale, or use, and expungement of criminal records related to marijuana possession, sale or use. A portion of business licenses for cannabis retail must be reserved for members of the marginalized communities that have been so disproportionately impacted by criminalization of this plant. Incentives and dividends must be allocated to these communities to make sure they have an equity stake in future economic growth.
