Practical Reforms and Other Goals to Reinforce the Effectiveness of Self-Governance and Self-Determination for Indian Tribes Act of 2019

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 21, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. CHENEY. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Madam Speaker, this is a very important bill. Unfortunately, the way that it is currently written raises some significant concerns.

As the Representative of Tribal communities in Wyoming, I share very much the notion and the concept of helping to increase self- determination, but I believe that this bill, as it is currently written, unfortunately, leaves unresolved some major issues with respect to, in particular, Bureau of Reclamation water projects that could affect both Tribal as well as non-Tribal interests.

In our Western States where water is a scarce and precious commodity, water management interests must be carefully balanced, and I am concerned that S. 209 does not strike that balance.

Over the last several Congresses, House Republicans have offered solutions to the reclamation projects issues without the need for courts to step in to sort this out. Unfortunately, this effort was most recently defeated on a party-line vote with little discussion from the Democrat majority.

Unfortunately, we still are, today, faced with a situation where we have got a worthy goal that this legislation is attempting to achieve, but it doesn't quite get there.

Given these unresolved concerns, I must urge rejection of the measure as written and ask for a ``no'' vote.

Madam Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

