Abortion is health care.

Press Release

Date: Sept. 30, 2022

Abortion is health care.

When abortion care is denied or limited, people do not get safe, essential health care.

After the Supreme Court struck down the constitutional right of bodily autonomy that had been recognized for 50 years, people across the United States lost the ability to access abortion care. Several states started to criminalize abortion care.

As long as I am in Congress, I will fight for reproductive rights for all.

At every turn, extremists are trying to keep people from making important decisions about their own bodies and futures.

There are "crisis pregnancy centers" that have a history of misleading people about the services provided. These centers pose as health clinics and then attempt to manipulate women away from abortion care. I have introduced legislation to crack down on deceptive advertising by these centers.

Many Republican politicians across the country are pushing through abortion bans, and some members of Congress are calling for a national ban. A majority of Americans support abortion access, but rights are being stripped away from women and their families. I voted and will continue to advocate for legislation that puts the right to an abortion into federal law. Your zip code shouldn't determine your freedoms in America.

We must elect as many pro-choice leaders as we can. I am committed to protecting abortion access across Oregon and beyond.

Abortion is health care.

We need leaders who will treat it that way.
