Terminating Cdc Requirement for Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination for Foreign Travelers

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 8, 2023
Location: Washington, DC
Keyword Search: Vaccine


Mr. GOLDEN of Maine. Mr. Chair, as the designee of Ms. Perez, I have an amendment at the desk.


Mr. GOLDEN of Maine. Mr. Chair, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Chair, I rise to offer an amendment on behalf of Ms. Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington to ensure that the underlying bill does not risk the public health and safety of the American people in the future.

Like many of my colleagues across the aisle, I support ending the COVID-19 vaccine requirement for international travelers at this time but doing so in the interest of our constituents' safety in mind, first and foremost.

Today, this COVID-19 vaccine requirement for international travelers is no longer necessary. In fact, it has become an unnecessary barrier for visitors who would boost local economies and who want to visit with friends and family and reunite with loved ones. However, we should remember that at the beginning of the pandemic, this requirement served as an important protection for our constituents. It would be shortsighted to move to hamstring similar future actions, if necessary.

That is why Ms. Gluesenkamp Perez and I support this amendment, which strikes the prohibition on successor or subsequent requirements for air travelers so that future administrations, whether they be Democrat or Republican, have the tools that they need to protect the American people.

We are not here to subject the health and safety of our constituents to political whims here in Washington.

Mr. Chair, I appreciate the opportunity to work with my colleague on this amendment, and I urge all of our colleagues to support it.

Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of my time.

