8th District Illinois Candidate David McSweeney Re-Releases Position Statement on Gas Prices

Date: May 4, 2006
Location: Barrington Township, IL

8th District Illinois Candidate David McSweeney re-releases Position Statement on Gas Prices:
Bean votes against bill that streamlines refinery process

David McSweeney, candidate for Congress in Illinois' 8th Congressional District released a one-page paper outlining solutions to the escalating cost of gasoline back in August of 2005. McSweeney entitled this paper as his "Three Pronged attack on Gasoline Prices". This paper is accessible at the website www.davidmcsweeney.com. The cost of fuel is a major concern for commuters in the 8th Congressional District.

"Last summer I released a paper that took on the issues of gasoline prices. The high price of gasoline has a ripple effect throughout our economy as the cost of travel and shipping products become burdensome. It affects our ability to compete in the marketplace worldwide and it impacts every level of our economy including small business. One of the key factors in the cost of gasoline is rooted in the basic economic principle of supply and demand," said David McSweeney.

"We have not built a new refinery in this country in 30 years and we have an archaic set of fuel standards that defies the marketplace. Melissa Bean had the opportunity just yesterday to vote on legislation that would help to streamline the process for building new refineries. Instead of supporting the consumer's position she voted with the Democrats against HR-5254," said McSweeney.

"I proposed a three-pronged attack on rising gasoline prices last August. The same issues apply: Firstly, I support a five percent reduction in the Federal Government's Strategic Petroleum Reserve Inventory. Secondly, I support immediately creating a single national standard for refined gasoline. Thirdly, I support the use of closed military bases for building new refineries. Additionally, I
would double the tax credit for hybrid cars, cut the Federal gasoline tax in half from 18.4 cents per gallon to 9.2 cents through the end of the year, and I would provide permanent tax credits for wind and solar energy development," said McSweeney.

"Melissa Bean's voting record, and campaign positions, demonstrates her penchant for limiting the marketplace and shows a lack of understanding of the basic principles of supply and demand. Without new refineries and a single fuel standard we are effectively limiting the supply of gasoline. Without new sources of oil, such as the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge, we are limiting the supply of crude oil for refining. Without tax credits and other means of encouraging the use of alternative energy sources we are perpetuating our dependence on oil," said McSweeney.

"As member of Congress I will work to find solutions to the problems that the people of the 8th District are facing. Congress, and Melissa Bean, can tackle the issue of rising gasoline prices right now. This district is not an urban public transportation district like Chicago or San Francisco where Melissa Bean gets her campaign funds. Public transportation plays a role but many people rely on their automobiles to commute to and from their jobs. I think the people of this district want solutions and thus far Melissa Bean is only providing no votes when it comes to solving our energy crisis," said McSweeney.

David McSweeney resides in Barrington Township within the 8th Congressional District with his wife Margaret and their two daughters.

