
Issues: Education


I teach in a 50-year-old inner city public school, and I know that quality public education is our best hope for providing every child the best opportunity in life—and the key to the competitive future of our country.

The answer is neither more standardized tests nor vouchers. We need to support universal pre-school to give kids a head start and offer their parents the best chance at providing for the household. We need trained, talented, and motivated teachers. We also need to provide parents and communities the support they need to assure that children start their school day ready to learn. We need schools that don't close at 3 p.m. but are open to meet the real needs of the community, including arts and sports, tutoring, health care, activities for parents and families.

What our country spends in one year in Iraq could provide a year's free tuition at the University of Connecticut for every college freshman-aged American and Head Start for every four-year-old. We need to refocus our resources and our attention on the children and young people here.
