Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

Issue Position: Economy

As Idaho's U.S. Senator, I will make certain that our government is not contributing to or inhibiting Idaho's economy in the current slowing economic situation. One area in which the government may assist, is to ensure U.S. companies have the freedom to compete with foreign goods/products. Free trade agreements only work when reciprocity is in place for U.S. goods, too. All segments of our economy must be on a level playing field in terms of safety for the consumer and production standards. Under NAFTA, this is not true for Idaho businesses.

Another area the U.S. government can assist our economy relates to foreign aid. We need to require countries as a condition of receiving foreign aid, to purchase goods and/or services from U.S. companies. This would be particularly beneficial to Idaho's agricultural base.

Lastly, we are on the verge of an energy revolution. Innovation is what made this country great. Through tax incentives, to spur this revolution, we will create another thriving sector for our economy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
