Issue Position: The Importance of Energy Independence

Issue Position

Issue Position: The Importance of Energy Independence

Next Generation Energy Security InitiativeAmerica needs a comprehensive energy plan that will strengthen our national security, grow our economy and protect our environment. We urgently need an energy plan that brings down energy prices, stabilizes the electric grid, increases our energy independence and utilizes the technological capabilities of the 21st Century.

For the past year and a half I have diligently been working on my Next Generation Energy Security Initiative. This landmark plan will limit greenhouse emissions, decrease our dependence on oil, and create millions of American jobs in the renewable energy industry. It invests billions into research and development for renewable energies like geothermal, ocean, solar, wind, and biomass technologies. It improves vehicle fuel consumption and invests in alternative fuel sources. And importantly, it ensures that the U.S. will become a world leader in the renewable energy industry.
