Regarding American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

Floor Speech

Date: May 20, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

REGARDING AMERICAN CLEAN ENERGY AND SECURITY ACT OF 2009 -- (House of Representatives - May 20, 2009)

(Mrs. CAPPS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, this week the Committee on Energy and Commerce is poised to pass landmark energy and climate legislation. Over two Congresses, our committee has heard from over 300 expert witnesses who have made it clear that we need swift action to rebuild our economy and address climate change.

America is ready, and the world is watching. We must transition to a clean energy economy so that we can create jobs here in America, achieve energy independence, and protect our planet for future generations. We have before us a powerful, thorough and effective bill. It includes a nationwide renewable electricity standard to ensure consumers get more of their electricity from wind, solar and biomass energy. It contains critical investments in energy efficiency, and it requires immediate significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that are harming our planet.

We must enact comprehensive climate legislation, and we must enact it now. We can't sit idly by and allow other nations to lead the way to a clean energy future. I think America can and must do better.

I hope others will join me in seizing this opportunity to pass the American Clean Energy and Security Act to transition our country to a clean energy economy, and protect our planet for our children and our grandchildren.

