Issue Position: Jobs/The Economy/Taxes

Issue Position

Businesses are failing at an alarming rate, and millions of people have lost their jobs nationwide. Government regulations, taxes, fees, and trade agreements that hurt U.S. businesses are destroying the private sector.

Stephanie Bell supports cutting taxes, fair trade for our district's interests, and economic freedom for businesses and families who are taxed and regulated to death. She opposes cap and trade and other job-killing government regulations, government bailouts, and government takeover of the private sector. We must get rid of policies that encourage businesses to leave our district and move to other countries. Government does not create jobs. The genius of American free enterprise creates jobs. Stephanie supports a simplified tax code. She also supports lower taxes that will allow you to keep more of your hard-earned dollars. The Bush tax cuts will expire after 2010 unless Congress acts. Stephanie supports permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts, including elimination of the death tax. Reduce government control and taxes, and we will experience real economic recovery and job growth.
