Blog: Washington's On The Way To Help … With More Spending


Another week in Washington seems to always produce another round of spending. For you and I, that's not a good thing because that means the taxpayers and small business owners in America are losing. But for the Obama Administration and the Democrat majority in Congress, it's their plan.

Look no further than Vice President Joe Biden touting the Administration's spending habits when he said that "the stimulus bill is working." The Democrats want you to believe that billions of dollars in so-called stimulus money has created good-paying jobs that will lift our economy. It hasn't.

The jobs that have been created are short-term, public-sector jobs, not private-sector jobs that will have a real impact on our country's long-term economic well-being.

What they've done is create, at best, a short-term recovery -- if you can call an almost 10% unemployment rate in Georgia a "recovery" -- that will not last.

And when you start spending, it's tough to stop. Earlier this week, President Obama requested another bailout -- $50 billion in aid for local and state governments.

It must end. What we need to be doing is looking out for businessmen and women who are really going to created jobs in Georgia and around the country.

I was a businessman, and I know the value of a dollar. I also know that government intervention, additional regulation and more tax burdens hurt businesses, particularly small businesses. These things discourage growth and job creation. In many cases, it forces businesses to lay off employees.

This is what drives me to stand up for you against Washington -- I know what you're facing when government creeps further into your life at home and at work. It's why we don't need government-dictated healthcare, for example. It's not good for families or businesses.

We need a free-market approach to governing that spends less, cuts taxes to help families and small businesses and ends excessive government takeovers and bailouts.
