Celebrating 75 Years of Social Security

Mr. McINTYRE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to express my strong support of Social Security. This year, we celebrate 75 years of this critical program, and we must reaffirm our commitment not only to protect it but to ensure its continuing viability.

America's senior citizens have lived through wars and recessions as well as periods of unprecedented prosperity. They have pioneered technologies in medicine, communications, transportation, and industry. These remarkable achievements demonstrate the strength and character of our older Americans, underscoring the debt of gratitude that we owe to generations that have given so much--one generation which includes my own parents, who are celebrating birthdays this week and next.

Unfortunately, the recent recession has reminded us that economic prosperity is never a guarantee; and in times of such uncertainty, our Nation's seniors need the steadiness of Social Security now more than ever.

Some have suggested that privatizing certain aspects of Social Security will somehow strengthen it. Well, I say not. I urge my colleagues to fiercely resist any such effort to privatize Social Security and to risk our seniors' well-being with the volatile, unpredictable nature of the market. I ask my colleagues to come together and to continue the promise that was made 75 years ago for those who have given so much to our society.
