Issue Position: Government Spending

Issue Position

Randy's Plan to Get Government Spending Under Control

Cut Government Spending by 40%

Washington has an unshakeable appetite for spending, and it is time that Congress makes it a priority to get the federal deficit under control. Congressman Forbes believes Congress needs to prioritize, to spend less, and to spend smarter. He has introduced bold legislation to cut government discretionary spending by 40% over the next five years. The Tighten Washington's Belt Act, H.R. 4479, would set fixed spending limits that are 10% less than the previous year for all discretionary spending. If Congress breaches those spending limits, an automatic across-the-board spending cut from all discretionary programs would be enacted to keep federal spending within its limits.

Stop the Bailout Mentality

Congressman Forbes believes our forefathers sacrificed too much for us for us to allow America to become a nation of debtors. That is why he is one of only 17 out of 435 Members of Congress to vote against all of the stimulus and bailout packages under both Presidents Bush and Obama. Congressman Forbes has been recognized by the American Conservative Union for his strong voting record on efforts to create more efficient and responsible government.

Balance the Federal Budget

In order to create a deliberate and strategic mechanism to get spending under control, Congressman Forbes has consistently supported a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution (H.J.Res.1). The Balanced Budget Amendment would force Congress to enact fiscally responsible spending measures, reduce the deficit, and ensure that the money our citizens work so hard to earn is not spent on wasteful spending and programs.

Limit the National Debt

Congressman Forbes believes in the simple truth that we should not spend that which we do not have. He has cosponsored legislation, the Cap the Debt Act (H.R. 4262) mandate a 2/3 roll call vote in both the House and Senate chambers in order to raise the debt ceiling. It would repeal the current Gephardt Rule that allows a debt ceiling increase to be included in budget resolutions without facing a direct vote.

Reform the System by Addressing Imbalances in Entitlement Spending

Congressman Forbes is working to institute process and entitlement reforms that take a long-range budget view. He has cosponsored the SAFE Commission Act, H.R. 1557, which would establish a Commission that would review federal spending and develop legislation designed to address: (1) the unsustainable imbalance between long-term federal spending commitments and projected revenues; (2) increases in net national savings to provide for domestic investment and economic growth; (3) the implications of foreign ownership of federally issued debt instruments; and (4) revision of the budget process to place greater emphasis on long-term fiscal issues.

Tie Members Salaries to Growth in Federal Spending

Just like families and businesses across America, Members of Congress need to be accountable for their fiscal decisions. Congressman Forbes believes to do that they need to have a personal stake in their decisions. He has introduced legislation, the Congressional Accountability Pay Act (H.R. 4681) to tie Member of Congress' salaries to the growth in federal spending - the more they spend, the less they make. For instance, if federal spending increases by 7%, congressional salaries are cut by 7%.
