Issue Position: Fiscal Responsibility

Issue Position

The Texas Legislature is required by the State Constitution to balance the state's budget within the existing available state revenues each year. It is the Legislature's responsibility to effectively manage this budget and prioritize spending on the core government services based on our role of government.

Fiscal responsibility is more than having a balanced budget and funding core government functions, though.

Fiscal responsibility is recognizing that our families must prioritize their spending and budgets, so we must do likewise. Policies that raise taxes or raise the cost of living on families through higher prices take away from the freedom from Texas families.

Fiscal responsibility is understanding that small business owners are the job producers in this state. Each law that is changed and each policy that is implemented must be analyzed from a business owners' perspective to determine if the law will burden the job producers.

Fiscal responsibility is examining state government and determining which functions of government are not necessary, which programs are redundant, and what essential functions should be most responsibly managed locally through cities, counties, and local school districts.
