Issue Position: Principles of Governance

Issue Position

1. We must maintain the integrity and viability of the government, our monetary system, and our constitution.

2. We should acknowledge that our citizens are our greatest asset. What strengthens them, strengthens Bingham County.

3. It is important to acknowledge that people's income and assets belong to them and the people are best suited to use them wisely.

4. Our country should embrace, yet monitor and guide the capitalistic system.

5. Government's role is to provide essential services for its citizens that they cannot, or cannot efficiently, do for themselves. It is to add value over and above its costs. It must not infringe on the citizens' personal freedoms, nor assume their responsibilities.

6. Elected officials and government employees are employed by the citizens and should act accordingly.

7. Citizenship is a unique and cherished role. It carries responsibilities as well as privileges.

8. The efficient and ongoing education of our citizenry is an essential goal. Teachers are a necessary and valued component in helping achieve that end.

9. I believe major decisions should be made with an honest, cost/benefit analysis and be open and transparent to the public.

10. I believe in building alliances to develop positive results. In a governmental sense, little can be accomplished by an unsupported individual.

11. Civic virtue and personal integrity are part of the foundation of our country and continue to be essential today.

12. We must utilize our capital wisely to benefit citizens now and in the future. That capital includes the following:

· Financial capital -- assets and income
· Human capital -- citizens and residents
· Geographic capital -- our state's natural resources, space, and scenery
· Relationship capital -- U.S. government, other states, associations, people, municipalities, and businesses
· Economic capital -- agriculture, tourism, lumber, mining, businesses, etc.
