SB 761 - Requires the Department of Labor and Industry to Provide Users with Wage and Employment Data - Pennsylvania Key Vote

Stage Details

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Title: Requires the Department of Labor and Industry to Provide Users with Wage and Employment Data

Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that requires the Department of Labor and Industry to provide users with information regarding wages, employment, and unemployment compensation.


  • Requires a local workforce development board to receive the new hire database and unemployment information from the Department of Labor and Industry and use it when developing a local plan (Section 504).

  • Requires the Department of Labor and Industry (from the CWIA) to develop a data dashboard that provides users with the ability to view and filter data from various criteria (Section 504).

  • Requires the CWIA to provide technical assistance to workforce development boards working with data databases at no charge and must meet the specific needs of each agency (Section 504).

  • Requires the department to develop and disseminate information, including unemployment compensation claimant information, unemployment compensation wage records, and new hire database information (Section 504).

  • Requires disclosure of unemployment compensation information to the chief elected official of a local workforce development board or government agency free of charge, if the information is to be used for the following, including: (Section 504):

    • Evaluation of program performance;

    • Financial or other analysis required by law, regulation, or federally approved plans;

    • Preparation of reports required by law, regulation, or federally approved plans;

    • Operation of public programs by the agencies and their agents, contractors, and subcontractors; and

    • Establishment of common case management systems between agencies when the system is to be used for fostering workplace partnerships, program coordination, interagency collaboration, improving program services, or creating operational efficiencies.

  • Requires the dissemination, disclosure, and use of the disclosed information to be outlined in a written agreement, which must include the following (Section 504):

    • A description of the specific information and the purpose for getting the information;

    • A statement that those who receive the information will be limited to only authorized purposes;

    • The methods and timing for dissemination and format;

    • A provision for paying the state agency for any costs of furnishing the information;

    • A provision for safeguarding the information; and

    • A provision for inspections of the agency to ensure that the agreement is being met.

  • Limits the redisclosure of information to just an aggravated statistical form, unless when the information is exchanged for an authorized purpose under the written agreement (Section 504).

  • Prohibits federal unemployment insurance grant funds from being used to process and handle a request for disclosure of unemployment information under this section, unless required by law or authorized by the United States Department of Labor (Section 504).

Title: Requires the Department of Labor and Industry to Provide Users with Wage and Employment Data
