H 4744 - Classifies Coercive Control as a Form of Domestic Violence - Massachusetts Key Vote

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Title: Classifies Coercive Control as a Form of Domestic Violence

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Title: Classifies Coercive Control as a Form of Domestic Violence

Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that classifies coercive control as a form of domestic violence in Massachusetts.


  • Classifies coercive control as a form of domestic violence in Massachusetts (Sec. 1-7

  • Defines “coercive control” as a pattern of behavior intended to threaten, intimidate, harass, isolate, control, coerce, or compel compliance of a family or household member that causes the family or household member to fear physical harm or have a reduced sense of physical safety or autonomy (Sec. 1-7).

  • Specifies the following as coercive control tactics including, but not limited to (Sec. 1-7):

    • Isolation; 

    • Threatening to harm a child, family member, or pet; 

    • Intentionally damaging property; or

    • Threatening to release sensitive images or information.

  • Specifies that the provisions of this bill shall take effect immediately upon passage and approval by the governor (Sec. 8).

Title: Classifies Coercive Control as a Form of Domestic Violence

Title: Classifies Coercive Control as a Form of Domestic Violence
