SB 1236 - Establishes Landlord and Homeowner Protections from Squatters - Pennsylvania Key Vote


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Title: Establishes Landlord and Homeowner Protections from Squatters

Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that establishes protections to assist homeowners, law enforcement, and landlords dealing with squatters in Pennsylvania.


  • Establishes protections to assist tenants, homeowners, law enforcement, and landlords dealing with squatters in Pennsylvania (Sec. 1-2).

  • Defines “tenant” as an individual who occupies the land or premises of another with their express or implied consent, including, but not limited to oral or written leases or acceptance of rent by another individual or their agent (Sec. 1-2).

  • Exempts landlords desirous of repossessing real property from an individual who is not, and never has been a tenant of the real property (Sec. 2).

  • Specifies that the provisions of this bill shall take effect 60 days following passage and approval by the governor (Sec. 5).

Title: Establishes Landlord and Homeowner Protections from Squatters
