S 138 - Amends Firearms Training Certification Rules - New York Key Vote


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Title: Amends Firearms Training Certification Rules

Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that amends firearms training certification rules and require individuals to seek recertification after standards and curriculum standards are changed in New York.


  • Establishes that any certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued to individuals pursuant to this subdivision shall be valid through December 31, 2026 (Sec. 1B). 

  • Specifies that after this date the above qualified individuals shall seek certification based on the curriculum promulgated by the division of criminal justice services of the executive law (Sec. 1B).

  • Establishes minimum standards and curricula for the certification of duly authorized instructors of the penal law (Sec. 1C). 

  • Specifies the division to promulgate any rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of this subdivision (Sec. 1C).

See How Your Politicians Voted

Title: Amends Firearms Training Certification Rules

Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that amends firearms training certification rules and require individuals to seek recertification after standards and curriculum standards are changed in New York.


  • Establishes that any certificate as an instructor in small arms practice issued to individuals pursuant to this subdivision shall be valid through December 31, 2026 (Sec. 1B). 

  • Specifies that after this date the above qualified individuals shall seek certification based on the curriculum promulgated by the division of criminal justice services of the executive law (Sec. 1B).

  • Establishes minimum standards and curricula for the certification of duly authorized instructors of the penal law (Sec. 1C). 

  • Specifies the division to promulgate any rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of this subdivision (Sec. 1C).

Title: Amends Firearms Training Certification Rules
