AB 1790 - Amends Policy for Sex Discrimination in the California State University System that Classifies Sexual Harassment as a Form of Sex Discrimination - California Key Vote

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Title: Amends Policy for Sex Discrimination in the California State University System that Classifies Sexual Harassment as a Form of Sex Discrimination

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Title: Amends Policy for Sex Discrimination in the California State University System that Classifies Sexual Harassment as a Form of Sex Discrimination

Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that amends Title IX policy regarding sex discrimination in the California State University System by classifying sexual harassment as a form of sexual discrimination that is prohibited


  • Establishes a baseline of requirements schools within the California State University system shall follow when addressing conduct deemed to be unprofessional, but does not fall within the definition of sexual harassment (Sec. 1).

  • Requires each individual university to use the same system to manage and track every case of sexual harassment (Sec. 1).

  • Requires guidelines to be developed for structuring and analyzing investigations to determine whether sexual harassment occurred (Sec. 1).

  • Requires universities to develop a specific policy for employees that previously engaged in sexual harassment and were not terminated to not be granted positive employment references (Sec. 1).

  • Specifies that the aforementioned policy is also applicable to current cases of employees engaged in sexual harassment (Sec. 1). 

  • Requires the chancellor’s office to regularly hold compliance reviews to determine whether the universities are complying with the law and their own policies (Sec. 1).

  • Requires California State Universities to submit an initial report on July 1, 2025 to the following committees (Sec. 1):

    • Assembly Committee on Higher Education;

    • Joint Legislative Audit Committee; and

    • Senate Committee on Education.

  • Requires the final report regarding policy to be submitted on December 1, 2026 (Sec. 1).

Title: Amends Policy for Sex Discrimination in the California State University System that Classifies Sexual Harassment as a Form of Sex Discrimination

Title: Amends Policy for Sex Discrimination in the California State University System that Classifies Sexual Harassment as a Form of Sex Discrimination
