HB 5662 - Requires Penalties for Violating the Online Ticket Sales Act - Michigan Key Vote


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Title: Requires Penalties for Violating the Online Ticket Sales Act

Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that requires penalties for violating the online ticket sales act in Michigan.



  • Authorizes investigations into claims that an individual has violated the Online ticket sales act (Sec. 3). 

  • Specifies that violations of the act can be punished with a civil fine of $5000 (Sec. 5).

  • Specifies that the attorney general may suggest other restraints and punishments if the attorney general discovers new violations (Sec. 7). 

  • Specifies that further violations may be punished with further civil finds of $5000 (Sec. 7). 

  • Authorizes the attorney general to recover reasonable costs and attorney fees incurred in an action resulting in the imposition of a civil fine under this act (Sec. 9).

Title: Requires Penalties for Violating the Online Ticket Sales Act
