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Shaunna O'Connell's Biography


Contact Information

Full Name:

Shaunna L. O'Connell




Husband: Ted; 2 Children: Ashton, Riley

Birth Place:

Taunton, MA

Home City:

Taunton, MA



Attended, Massachusetts Bay Community College

Attended, Massosoit Community College

Mayor, Taunton, MA, District At-Large, 2020-present

Representative, Commonwealth of Massachusetts House of Representatives, District Third Bristol, 2011-2020

Candidate, Commonwealth of Massachusetts House of Representatives, District Third Bristol, 2018

Former Ranking Minority Member, Global Warming and Climate Change Committee, Commonwealth of Massachusetts House of Representatives

Former Member, Global Warming and Climate Change Committee, Commonwealth of Massachusetts House of Representatives

Former Member, Joint Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities Committee, Massachusetts State House of Representatives

Former Member, Joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery, Commonwealth of Massachusetts House of Representatives

Former Ranking Minority Member, Personnel and Administration Committee, Commonwealth of Massachusetts House of Representatives

Former Member, Post Audit and Oversight Committee, Commonwealth of Massachusetts House of Representatives

Court Reporter, Commonwealth of Massachusetts House of Representatives

Former Department Supervisor, Food Service Department at Morton Hospital

Member, Community Voices Committee for Jessica's Law

Member, Elks Club

Board Member, Grand Old Party Woman's Advisory Board, United Way Community Allocation Panel

Member, Kiwanis Club

Member, Mass Coalition for Suicide Prevention

Member, Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation

Member, National Rifle Association

Member, Old Colony Historical Society

Board of Governors Member, Old Colony Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) of Taunton

Member, Safe Church Advocate, West Congregational Church

Founder/Chairwoman, Small Business Caucus

Chair, Southeast Massachusetts Caucus

Member, Taunton Area Chamber of Commerce

Member, Taunton Area School to Career Mentor Program

Associate Member, Taunton Area Vietnam Veterans Association

Volunteer, Taunton Emergency Management Agency

Member, Taunton Polish-American Citizens Club

Founder, West Church Community Outreach Program

Sunday School Teacher/ Missions Committee Member, West Congregational Church

Pets (include names):

2 cats, 3 fish

Priority Issues:

Ending the bundling of amendments

Standing with any member who wants a Roll Call vote

Requiring committee votes be published online

Allowing any member access to the "can" so they can review all of the latest changes in legislation

Prohibiting the passage of spending bills in informal session

Require conference committee meetings be open to the press and public

Requiring the Ethics Committee to be bi-partisan

Ending the legislative exemption from the public records law (Constituent work would be exempt for privacy reasons.)
