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Andy Craig's Biography

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Full Name:

Andy Craig




Partner: Brian

Attending, Political Science and Government, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2015-present

Bachelors, Political Science and Government, Hendrix College, 2009-2012

Consultant, Gary Johnson 2016, 2015-2016

Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Wisconsin, District 4, 2016

Candidate, Wisconsin Secretary of State, 2014

Photo Technician, Walgreens Boots Alliance, 2014-2015

Chair, Libertarian Party of Milwaukee County, 2015-present

Secretary, Libertarian Party of Wisconsin, 2015-present

Priority Issues:

- Constitutional Carry and the 2nd Amendment
- Civil Liberties and the 4th Amendment
- Marriage Equality
- Legalization of Marijuana
- Eliminate the office of Secretary of State
- Term Limits, and a Genuine Citizen-Legislature
- Economic Freedom, Property Rights, and Free Markets
- Abolition of the State Income Tax

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

I can't stand the idea that I would go into the ballot booth in November, and find only one name on the ballot for Congress.

I'm tired of "safe-seat" incumbents who are more interested in representing their party than their district.

I think it's time to break down the two-party-only system, and send a Representative to Washington who represents the fiscally responsible, socially tolerant middle that doesn't have a home in either major party.

My name is Andy Craig, and I'm running to represent Milwaukee and the rest of Wisconsin's 4th Congressional District, in the United States House of Representatives.

I am seeking the office of Wisconsin Secretary of State, because there are too many important issues that are not being heard in the current two-party debate, and the people of Wisconsin know it.

Neither establishment party offers the mixture of economic freedom and individual liberty that voters are demanding. An electorate dissatisfied with the corruption and intrusiveness of government, is left with nowhere to turn by the false choice of Democrat or Republican… but that's why we're here in the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin.

As your Secretary of State, I pledge to provide a consistent, genuinely independent voice for reason, freedom, and reform in Wisconsin state government, and for this purpose I humbly ask for your vote and your support.

-Andy Craig
