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Rick Stewart's Biography

Contact Information

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Full Name:

Rick W. Stewart




Divorced; 6 Children: Saasha, Loc, Coleman, Kane, Elise, Alexsa

Birth Date:


Birth Place:

Postville, IA

Home City:

Cedar Rapids, IA


Reluctant Atheist

Attended, Clinton Community College

Attended, Iowa State University

Attended, Menlo College

BA, Coe College

MBA, Business Administration, University of Chicago

AA, Agricultural Mechanics, Kirkwood Community College, 1977

Candidate, Governor of Iowa, 2022

Candidate, United States Senate, 2014

Owner/Founder, Frontier Cooperative Herbs

Served, Maquoketa Police Department

Chief Executive Officer, Frontier Co-op, 1976-1999

Patrol Officer, Maquoketa Police Department, 1974-1975

President, Board of Advisers, Quetzaltrekkers, 2007-2014


Small Businessperson of the Year, State of Iowa, 1992
First National Runner-up, same year

Inc 500 list of fastest growing companies in America

Working Mother Magazine's 'Best Workplaces for Working Mothers', three years in a row

Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary International

Current Car:

2016 Toyota Camry, 2018 Toyota Tundra with which I exclusively pull my campaign trailer, KLX-250 dual-sport motorcycle that needs some carburetor work, Jamis full suspension mountain bike (replacement for the one I broke the frame of riding 3,000 miles across Iowa in my 2014 U.S. Senate campaign)

Date of Wedding Anniversary:

Never married. Divorced five times.

Father's Name:


Father's Occupation:

Vocational Agriculture teacher, Iowa high schools

Favorite Athlete:

Dan Gable

Favorite Author:

Joseph Conrad

Favorite Book:

Ulysses (James Joyce)

Favorite Color:

Something that doesn't show when I drip coffee on it

Favorite Food:

Cooked by someone else, in my home

Favorite Movie:

Citizen Kane

Favorite Musician:


Favorite President and Why:

Calvin Coolidge, the last great American president. He tried to do nothing, which was a dramatic improvement over his predecessors and, unfortunately, has not been emulated by his successors. They called it 'the roaring twenties.'

Favorite Quote:

"In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other." Voltaire (1764)

Favorite Sport:

Wrestling. The real kind.

Favorite TV Shows:

Anything that does not have commercials, and doesn't have episodes. So far, that means none.

Favorite Type of Music:


Favorite Vacation Spot:

Anywhere they don't speak English

First Car:

A red 1964 Ford Econoline van, extended body

First Job:

My mother paid me a nickel to take my little sister to school.

Hobbies or Special Talents:

Traveling independently to countries most Americans are afraid of. Cuba, Burma, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea. Oh yea - China, Juarez (Mexico), Vietnam. Turns out all these countries are filled with friendly people just like us - it's the politicians who are afraid ... of losing their next election.

Mother's Name:


Mother's Occupation:


Name one thing you would most like to do before you die:

Live in a free country

Names of Grandchildren:

That's much too personal - leave them alone, please, in spite of their famous grandfather.

Number of Grandchildren:


Person Most Want to Meet (Dead or Alive):

Genghis Khan

Personal Hero and Why:

Adam Smith, because he opened our eyes. Well, a few of us.

Priority Issues:

1) End the racist Drug War. 2) End all foreign wars, 3) End all tariff wars, 4) The Federal government has $204 trillion in unfunded liabilities they refuse to put on their books. I plan to make them fess up.

The Federal government has $204 in unfunded liabilities they refuse to put on their books. I plan to make them fess up.

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

How many lawyers does it take to grease a combine? Only two, if you run them through slowly.
