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Joseph Schriner's Biography

Contact Information

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Full Name:

Joseph 'Average Joe' Charles Schriner




Wife: Liz; 3 Children: Sarah, Joseph, Jonathan

Birth Date:


Birth Place:

Cleveland, OH

Home City:

Bluffton, OH



BS, Journalism, Bowling Green State University, 1978

Attended, Bluffton College, 1973

Candidate, President of the United States, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020

Free Lance Reporter, Ada Herald, 2018-present

Free Lance Writer/Reporter, Bluffton News, 2012-present

Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor, Ohio Chemical Dependency Counselor Credentialing Board, 1985-1992

Social Worker, Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board, 1985-1992

Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Lorain County Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, 1983-1987

Reporter, The Metropolitan Newspaper, 1981

Reporter, City Council Meetings, 1978-1980

Reporter, Sandusky Register Newspaper, 1978-1980

Road Crew Member, Ohio Turnpike, 1975-1977

Plane Loader, Cleveland Airport, 1974-1975

Volunteer, Youth for Christ -- Rally Point, Lima, Ohio, 2016-present

Volunteer, Open Door Community Outreach to the Homeless, 2010-2011

Volunteer Community Member/Staff, South Bend Catholic Worker, 2009-2010

Volunteer, Cleveland Catholic Worker Outreach to the Poor, 2004-2009

Soccer Coach, Michael J. Zone Recreation Center, 2006

Volunteer, We Are the Uninsured, 2006

Baseball Coach, Michael J. Zone Recreation Center, 2005

Walkathon Coordinator, Brown County, Ohio, Board of Mental Health, 1998

Volunteer, Friends of the Library, 1998

Counselor, Ohio Chemical Dependency Counselor Credentialing Board, 1985-1992

Social Worker, Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board, 1985-1992

Representative, Lorain County Mental Health/Drug and Alcohol Committee, 1986

Volunteer, Saint Malachi's Inner City Outreach, 1980-1984

Member, YMCA Master's Swim Team, 1982

Current Car:

Bicycle (Have I mentioned global warming?)

Date of Wedding Anniversary:


Father's Occupation:

General practitioner for the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Favorite Athlete:

The nine-year-old shortstop on my inner city Rec. team who always gave 100%, then took a city bus back to a rough home after each game.

Favorite Author:

M. Scott Peck

Favorite Book:

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Favorite Color:

Green (the color we're going to paint the White House)

Favorite Food:

Rice & Beans- Social justice meal in solidarity with the poor.

Favorite Movie:

Life of St. Francis

Favorite Musician:

Stephen Curtis Chapman

Favorite President and Why:

Jimmy Carter, both in office & out. He has worked stridently to bring more peace, democracy, & help for the disadvantaged of the world.

Favorite Quote:

"Be the change you want to see in the world"- Mahatma Gandhi

Favorite Sport:

non-competitive Amish baseball

Favorite TV Shows:

Our family doesn't watch TV anymore, most is too spiritually corrosive.

Favorite Type of Music:


Favorite Vacation Spot:

Put-in-Bay, Ohio

Favorite Websites:

First Car:

1955 Jeep, with rust

First Job:

Caddy at a golf course (age 12 to 15)

Hobbies or Special Talents:

Weight lifting, Karate, baseball, photography

Mother's Name:

Mary Jane

Mother's Occupation:


Name one thing you would most like to do before you die:

Look my kids square in the eye on my deathbed and assure them I did everything I could to make the world a better place for them in the things that really matter.

Person Most Want to Meet (Dead or Alive):

I would like to meet Jesus to learn more about applying His words to the year 2007.

Personal Hero and Why:

Peter Quilligan/ He is a young man who is a Catholic worker and has dedicated his life to working in the trenches with the poor and homeless in Cleveland, Ohio.

Pets (include names):

We used to have a lizard named "Lizzy" (How's that for creative?)

Priority Issues:

I told the Range News that with abortion we are living in a "modern day Holocaust." During a talk at Drayton University , I said there are 24,000 people starving to death worldwide every day. I told The Daily Jeffersonian newspaper that we stand at the brink of worldwide catastrophe with Global Warming. I told CBS News in Monterey, California, that you can't heal the country until you heal the family. And I told the Mississippi Press I would work to end the Iraq War, the genocide in Darfur and establish a U.S. Department of Peace.


Author of: Back Road to the White House; America's Best Town; America's Best Town 2, Columnist for the News Democrat newspaper and the Lima News (both in Ohio).

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

I have spent the past 15 years traveling 200,000 miles around the country researching answers to the issues of our day. I have talked to a multitude of experts and to just as many, if not more, "average citizens" who have had creative, common sense solutions to: saving the environment; stopping war; ending poverty; ending abortion; healing the family; curbing crime; getting healthcare for all... And I believe the platform I've developed, based on this extensive 'Listening Tour' (in it's purest sense), is the best in regard to where America needs to go at this time.

Spouse's Occupation:

Home-schooling mother, campaign manager.
