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Harry Garcia's Biography


Contact Information


490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Room 204A
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Post Office Box 226
Grants, NM 87020

Full Name:

Harry Garcia



Home City:

Grants, NM

No education information on file.

Representative, New Mexico State House of Representatives, District 69, 2016-present

Candidate, New Mexico State House of Representatives, District 69, 2024

Appointed by Governor Susana Martinez, Member, New Mexico State House of Representatives, September 9, 2016

Former Member, Enrolling & Engrossing A Committee, New Mexico State House of Representatives

Served, United States Marines

No organizational membership information on file.

Priority Issues:

The backbone of any economy is jobs and we need more of them in District 69. The health of our district and the state depends on it.

The children are our future and making sure they have the educational opportunities they need to succeed must be a priority.

Service men and women have given so much for this country and they deserve to have the opportunities, benefits and treatments they need when returning to life outside the military.

Senior Citizens/Handicapped
Our seniors have provided for us their entire lives and now we need to make sure they are taken care of with dignity and respect. The handicapped trust and depend on us to look out for their best interests. Access to the programs they both need should be protected and improved whenever possible.
