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Curtis McKenzie's Biography

Contact Information

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Full Name:

Curtis 'Curt' D. McKenzie




Wife: Renee; 2 Children: Jackson, Madison

Birth Date:


Birth Place:

Corvallis, OR

Home City:

Nampa, ID

JD, Georgetown University Law Center, 1995

BA, Physics and History, Northwest Nazarene University, 1992

Senator, Idaho State Senate, 2002-2016

Candidate, Idaho State House of Representatives, 1998, 2000

Former Member, Economic Outlook and Revenue Assessment Committee

Former Member, Economic Outlook and Revenue Assessment Committee, Idaho State Senate

Former Member, Energy Environment and Technology Interim Committee

Former Member, Local Government and Taxation, Idaho State Senate

Former President, Pacific Northwest Economic Region

Former Member, Public Defense Reform Interim Committee

Former Member, State Affairs Committee, Idaho State Senate

Attorney, McKenzie Law Offices, Professional Limited Liability Company, present

Former Attorney, Stoel Rives Limited Liability Partnership

Member, Idaho State Bar Association

Former Member, National Conference of State Legislators Nuclear Legislative Workgroup

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

Why I'm Running
After serving seven terms in the Idaho State Senate and practicing law for over 20 years, I am running for the Idaho Supreme Court to preserve the rule of law in Idaho. As a Justice, I will be tough but fair, which means applying the Constitution as it is written without bias for any party. As a lawyer, I have represented the State of Idaho, large and small businesses, and individuals. I have worked to keep our communities safe, to strengthen Idaho businesses, and protect Constitutional rights of individuals. Every person who comes before the courts deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

I am seeking your support to bring fourteen years of public service in the State Senate and over 20 years of experience in the legal profession to our State's highest court. I care deeply about Idaho and its communities. I've raised my family here. My parents, three brothers, and my kids live in Nampa, and I want to help keep it a great place to live.

I am committed to the rule of law and to applying the law without bias. I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Idaho as written without trying to promote any particular agenda. As a former legislator, I have a deeply ingrained understanding of the separation of power between the branches. I won't try to legislate from the bench.
