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Dan Rutherford's Biography

Contact Information

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Full Name:

Dan Rutherford



Birth Date:


Birth Place:

Pontiac, IL

Home City:

Pontiac, IL

BS, Business Administration, Illinois State University, 1978

Former Assistant Minority Leader, Illinois State Senate

Candidate, Illinois State Governor, 2014

Treasurer, State of Illinois, 2010-2014

Senator, Illinois State Senate, District 53, 2003-2011

Representative, Illinois State House, 1993-2003

Former Member, Advisory Committee on International Trade for the United States Government

Former Member, Advisory Committee on Sports Medicine

Former Member, Committee of the Whole, Illinois State Senate

Former Member, Executive Appointments Committee, Illinois State Senate

Former Ranking Minority Member, Financial Institutions Committee, Illinois State Senate

Former Member, Livingston County Council for Economic Development

Former Member, United States Air Force Reserve Citizens Advisory Board

Former Member, United States District Export Council

Experience, Business Executive

Experience, Retired, International Expansion, ServiceMaster Company

Legislative Assistant, Illinois State Representative Tom Ewing, 1978-1980

Member, American Legislative Exchange Council

Member, American Museum of Natural History Society

Member, Bloomington Young Men’s Club

Member, Illinois Corn Growers Association

Former Member, Illinois Council on Health and Physical Fitness

Former Member, Japan-America Society

Member, Livingston County Farm Bureau

Member, McLean County Lincoln Club

Former Member, National Geographic Society

Member, Pheasants Forever

Member, Pontiac Chamber of Commerce

Member, Pontiac Elks Club

Former Member, Pontiac Jaycees

Member, Pontiac Moose Lodge

Member, Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity Alumni Association

Favorite Book:

adventure & travel

Favorite Movie:

James Bond, Star Wars, Indiana Jones... those kind, you know what I mean

Favorite TV Shows:

what is a TV?

Favorite Type of Music:

rock & easy listening jazz

Hobbies or Special Talents:

Scuba Diving
