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Sue Cobb's Biography

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Full Name:

Sue Ann 'Sue' Bell Cobb




Husband: William; 1 Child: Caitlin; 2 Step-Children: Bill, Andy

Birth Place:

Louisville, KY

Home City:

Montgomery, AL

Attended, Asbury College

JD, University of Alabama School of Law, 1978-1981

BA, History, University of Alabama, 1976-1978

Candidate, Governor of Alabama, 2018

Adjunct Professor/Consultant, Faulkner School of Law, 2012-present

President, Next Generation Consulting, Incorporated, 2011-present

Author, "There Must be a Witness; Stories of Abuse, Advocacy, and the Fight to Put Children First", present

Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Alabama, 2007-2011

Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, 1994-2007

District Judge, Conecuh County, 1982-1994

Member, First United Methodist Church, present

President, Alabama Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

Member, American Cancer Society

Member, Blackburn Institute Advisory Board

Member, Board of Campaign for Alabama

Former Chair, Board of the Alabama Division of the American Cancer Society

Past Member/Officer, Evergreen Industrial Development Board

Member, Farrah Law Society Board of Directors

Representative, Mid-South Division Board

Member, Montgomery Kiwanis Club

Member, National Assembly of the American Cancer Society

Member, United States Global Leadership Coalition Advisory Board

Chair, Children First Foundation, 1995-2012

Favorite Book:

"The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet and "Love Does" by Bob Goff

Favorite Food:

Home-fried chicken and Tollhouse Chocolate Chip cookies

Favorite Movie:

"Seabiscuit," "Remember the Titans," and "The Blindside"

Favorite Quote:

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." --Dr. Albert Schweitzer
