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Andrew Garbarino's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


On The Ballot: Running, Conservative, Republican for U.S. House (NY) - District 2


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Candidates who qualify for the General Election will be invited to take the 2024 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2024.

  • "The SALT cap is a punitive double tax on hardworking middle-class Long Islanders. As co-Chair of the SALT Caucus, I will continue to fight alongside my fellow NY'ers in Congress until we secure a SALT fix and ease the tax burden our constituents face." (
  • "Americans are paying more for just about everything under Biden/Pelosi leadership. Democrats’ tax and spend agenda is bad for Long Island families." (
  • "House Dems don't have a plan, but Republicans do. When we take back the House, Republicans will curb wasteful spending to fight inflation, and replace it with pro-growth tax and deregulatory policies." (
  • Rated 100% by FreedomWorks (
  • "Moments from now, the House will begin voting on the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act." Congressional Democrats are irresponsibly rushing through yet another massive spending bill that will only worsen inflation and raise taxes in the middle of a recession." (
  • "House Dems don't have a plan, but Republicans do. When we take back the House, Republicans will curb wasteful spending to fight inflation, and replace it with pro-growth tax and deregulatory policies." (
  • Rated 100% by FreedomWorks (
  • "I was proud to join with @Rep_Clyde to introduce this Resolution. Its passage sends a message that we will not stand by while our law enforcement officers are vilified and handcuffed by pro-criminal/anti-cop policies like those in D.C.’s deeply misguided police reform law." (
  • Voted against HR 1280 "George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7900: "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2670: "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 4365: "Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2811: "Limit, Save, Grow Act" (
  • "Americans are paying more for just about everything under Biden/Pelosi leadership. Democrats’ tax and spend agenda is bad for Long Island families." (
  • "The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and Democrats' tax and spend Reconciliation Package are two separate bills w/ two very different results. Unlike the Infrastructure Bill, Reconciliation will only increase inflation and fund radical policies that most Americans don't support." (
  • Voted against HR 5376: "Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and Democrats' tax and spend Reconciliation Package are two separate bills w/ two very different results. Unlike the Infrastructure Bill, Reconciliation will only increase inflation and fund radical policies that most Americans don't support." (
  • "Moments from now, the House will begin voting on the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act." Congressional Democrats are irresponsibly rushing through yet another massive spending bill that will only worsen inflation and raise taxes in the middle of a recession." (
  • Voted against HR 5376: "Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Rated 6% by League of Conservation Voters (
  • "As Long Islanders continue to pay the price for Biden’s Energy Crisis, I recently traveled to Houston, TX to learn more about domestic oil and gas production and see firsthand the potential of America's energy sector. We can and must produce the energy we need here at home." (
  • "Make no mistake, Congressional Democrats are trying to pay for their radical Green New Deal agenda on the backs of the middle class." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 21: "Strategic Production Response Act" (
  • "As Long Islanders continue to pay the price for Biden’s Energy Crisis, I recently traveled to Houston, TX to learn more about domestic oil and gas production and see firsthand the potential of America's energy sector. We can and must produce the energy we need here at home." (
  • "Gas prices doubled in one year under President Biden. We need to reverse this Administration’s anti-American energy policies, unleash domestic energy production, and restore American energy independence in order to bring down prices." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 1: "Lower Energy Costs Act" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Voted against HR 5378: "Lower Costs, More Transparency Act" (
  • Voted against HR 6833: "The Affordable Insulin Now Act" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2: "Secure the Border Act of 2023" (
  • "Secretary Mayorkas and the Biden Administration have failed to follow the laws of the land, failed to secure the border, and the American people have suffered." (
  • Rated 77% by NumbersUSA (
  • Voted in favor of HR 5525: "Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 8030: "Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 3033: "Solidify Iran Sanctions Act of 2023" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6015: "Iran Sanctions Accountability Act of 2023" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 8035: "Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of S 3522: "Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 5692: "Ukraine Security Assistance and Oversight Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7691: "Making emergency supplemental appropriations for assistance for the situation in Ukraine for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 8035: "Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7521: "Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act" (

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