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Jon Ossoff's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)



Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Jon Ossoff has failed to provide voters with positions on key issues covered by the 2020 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart and voters like you.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2020.

  • "DEFEND Roe v. Wade" (
  • "Yet Georgia GOP’s has insisted on passing this extreme, unconstitutional abortion ban. Roe v. Wade is and will remain the law of the land!" (
  • "We borrow trillions to cut taxes for the wealthy and powerful. Then Trump, McConnell, & Perdue tell us there’s no money to save the planet and revolutionize our infrastructure. This is Georgia, standing with people all over the world, demanding an end to the destruction of our planet and the corruption that enables it. #ClimateStrike" (
  • "We’ve squandered trillions on needless war, bank bailouts, & tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans — then we’re told there’s no money for health care, Social Security, or infrastructure. That’s corruption. Together we’ll clean up our democracy & deliver for the people." (
  • "Medicare and Social Security are vital programs that reflect our values and our commitment to honor and support seniors. Seniors paid for these benefits throughout their lives. Many of those from the Greatest Generation, who fought through the Depression and won World War II, still count on these critical programs." (
  • Endorsed by Demand Universal Healthcare (
  • "We’ve squandered trillions on needless war, bank bailouts, & tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans — then we’re told there’s no money for health care, Social Security, or infrastructure. That’s corruption. Together we’ll clean up our democracy & deliver for the people." (
  • "Jon will introduce legislation to reform campaign finance laws and reduce the toxic and corrupt impact of money in politics. He is opposed to the Citizens United decision allowing unchecked, anonymous money in politics." (
  • "On the agenda: repealing the disastrous Citizens United decision, Georgia’s maternal mortality crisis, the astronomical cost of prescription drugs, climate change, and how we can (and must) revolutionize America’s infrastructure" (
  • "REPEAL Citizens United" (
  • "Jacob Blake was shot in the back. Seven times. In front of his kids. This looks like yet another unjustified use of deadly force by law enforcement, and yet again the victim is black. Congress must pass national standards for use of force now." (
  • "Instead of fanning the flames of unrest and division, a strong President would call upon the Senate to immediately pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, then get to work on a new Civil Rights Act." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "In the Senate I’ll deliver massive federal investment in clean energy, grid infrastructure, R&D. Not bank bailouts, wars of choice, & tax cuts for the rich. Georgia will create 1000s of jobs & cut emissions by building the region’s strongest solar industry." (
  • "INVEST in clean energy & infrastructure" (
  • "We all benefit when we ensure every American has health care. We all benefit when we end price gouging for prescription drugs. We all benefit when we invest in infrastructure & clean energy. We all benefit when we rid politics of dark money & corruption." (
  • "We’re ready to register voters & GOTV in Morgan Co.! We’ll unite Georgians & WIN to ensure every American has health care, invest in infrastructure & our environment, & attack political corruption. Thank you Dutton Morehouse, Jeanne Dufort, & Morgan Co. Dems for your hard work!" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "I’ll support policies that help Georgia’s families make and save more money: fast and generous direct emergency relief during economic crises, lower taxes for all but the wealthiest Americans, debt-free public college, free vocational training, and health care guaranteed at an affordable price." (
  • "Tens of millions are out of work. Businesses are shuttered. Banks and landlords are threatening foreclosure and eviction. Working families and small businesses need more support NOW from leaders in Washington immediately." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "In the Senate I’ll deliver massive federal investment in clean energy, grid infrastructure, R&D. Not bank bailouts, wars of choice, & tax cuts for the rich. Georgia will create 1000s of jobs & cut emissions by building the region’s strongest solar industry." (
  • "INVEST in clean energy & infrastructure" (
  • "If we walk away from our #ParisAgreement commitments to reduce carbon emissions & help fight climate change, history will condemn us for it." (
  • "In the Senate I’ll deliver massive federal investment in clean energy, grid infrastructure, R&D. Not bank bailouts, wars of choice, & tax cuts for the rich. Georgia will create 1000s of jobs & cut emissions by building the region’s strongest solar industry." (
  • "Honored to receive the Gun Sense Candidate designation from @MomsDemand. In the Senate, I’ll fight the corrupt influence of the NRA." (
  • "The constant gun violence in America is intolerable — and preventable. On Sunday, 8-year-old Secoriea Turner was shot to death in Atlanta. Georgia unites in grief and support for her family. We need peace. We need sensible gun laws. Nonviolence is the way." (
  • "Today I’m endorsing Lucy McBath (@LucyWins2018), an inspiring Democratic candidate for GA’s 37th State House District. After losing her son to a senseless act of gun violence, Lucy became a relentless fighter for reforms to make our communities safer." (
  • "If not for the ACA's protection of those with pre-existing conditions, John Armwood might not be alive today" (
  • "It’s no surprise Sen. Perdue says he “of course” supports this lawsuit to strip health insurance protections for pre-existing conditions. He’s voted repeatedly to gut the ACA & kick millions of Georgians off health insurance while cozying up to insurance & pharma lobbyists." (
  • "Doctors & nurses prepare for risky round-the-clock work treating COVID-19. The House expedites free testing & sick leave to slow the spread. Trump’s incompetence has hamstrung preparations, and time is of the essence." (
  • "My opponent wants to rip health care away from Georgians during a pandemic and gut protections for women, young people, and those with pre-existing conditions. I have a better idea: let’s protect and strengthen the ACA and ensure every Georgian has health care." (
  • "We are the only major country that does not guarantee paid sick leave.When we win the Senate, we’ll ensure American workers are afforded the flexibility, dignity, and respect to stay home when they’re sick without losing their pay or their jobs." (
  • "McConnell says free virus tests, paid sick leave, and unemployment insurance will "kill jobs." Where does Sen. Perdue stand? This government’s continued incompetence and denialism won’t just kill jobs, they’ll kill people." (
  • "We stand together to build bridges, not walls." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "The spread of nuclear weapons threatens our national security & human survival. The treaties established to prevent proliferation & weapons development are disintegrating. We need imagination & courage to build a world free from the threat of nuclear annihilation." (
  • "Today America honors the warriors who lost their lives serving in our armed forces. Our gratitude is limitless. They will never be forgotten or dishonored. Our government must commit to a policy that orders service members into combat only when necessary in our defense." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.

Vote Smart does not permit the use of its name or programs in any campaign activity, including advertising, debates, and speeches.
