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Jennifer Kiggans' Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (VA) - District 2


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Candidates who qualify for the General Election will be invited to take the 2024 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2024.

  • Rated 100% by National Right to Life Committee (
  • " Jen has been a champion for the unborn and a lifelong defender of our pro-life values as a mother, nurse practitioner, and State Senator. In the Legislature, Jen has stood up against Democrats’ attempts to expand abortion access which force taxpayers to foot the bill for late term elective abortions in the Commonwealth." (
  • "I applaud the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and give Virginians and our elected represetatives the opportunity to defend life in our Commonwealth." (
  • Voted for HR 26 "Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" (
  • "Protecting Social Security and Medicare is a top priority of mine… as is helping Southeast Virginians with federal agencies…! If you’re having trouble with the Social Security Administration - or any other federal agency - visit for help." (
  • "As a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner, Jen has been a champion for the greatest generation and worked tirelessly to deliver the best quality of care possible for our seniors. Jen will remain a fierce advocate for seniors in Congress by fighting to protect and preserve Medicare and Social Security from being dismantled by Democrats." (
  • "As a geriatric nurse practitioner, I had the distinct privilege of caring for our Greatest Generation as they age... I know how much they rely on programs like Social Security and Medicare. I will continue to fight for these programs in Washington...!" (
  • Rated 10% By Alliance for Retired Americans (
  • Rated 100% by Freedom Works (
  • "I am encouraged to hear we finally have a debt ceiling deal that prioritizes American taxpayers, avoids a catastrophic default, and protects the economic future of our country. While I wish the President had agreed to start these negotiations back in January when Speaker McCarthy first called for them - rather than waiting until the 11th hour - I am eager to review the bill text in the coming days. We must get our country back on track and restore fiscal sanity in Washington…!! hashtag#118Congress hashtag#DebtCeiling hashtag#FiscalResponsibility" (
  • "I am proud to help deliver commonsense, bipartisan solutions to provide relief to families, farmers, workers, and small businesses. The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act will help us compete against countries like China, reduce poverty and unemployment, encourage economic investment in communities across America, save taxpayer dollars, and support families. " (
  • "In Congress, Jen will do what Joe Biden and House Democrats have failed to do -- prioritize cutting inflation and lowering the cost of living for the American people. That means reducing federal spending -- not adding trillions of dollars in spending on socialist spending bills -- cutting taxes, reducing regulations on small businesses, and stopping the Democrats' radical spending priorities at all costs." (
  • Rated 100% by the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) (
  • "Jen has spoken out against ending qualified immunity, taking tactical resources away from police, and limiting their ability to productively do their job. Additionally, Jen will fight for victims’ rights and will continue to advocate for victims and their families." (
  • "Last night I sat next to John Jones of the Virginia Sheriffs' Association at dinner (along with his sweet wife who just retired as a nurse!). After describing the challenges the law enforcement community is facing recently, he asked for three things on behalf of his officers: 1- Protection of qualified immunity which protects officers from lawsuits surrounding split second decisions they make in order to safely do their jobs...On behalf of this Virginia citizen and concerned mother, thank you to our law enforcement officers for all you do! We have your backs! #CommunitySafety #BackTheBlue #ThankYou" <iframe src=" width="500" height="584" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe> (
  • "The President’s inadequate defense budget does not do our country justice. At a time when Russia, China, and Iran are increasing their aggression, the President has chosen to project weakness on the world stage instead of keeping peace through strength. Our men and women in uniform cannot keep our country safe nor help our allies maintain stability across the globe if they do not have the resources necessary to do so. (
  • "She knows the importance of a well-funded military and strong national defense and will work tirelessly in Congress to ensure our active duty military men and women have the full support of the federal government." (
  • "That means securing critical funding for military bases and installations, never voting for defense cuts, and always advocating for military families. " (
  • "There’s no place for political theater when it comes to our men and women in uniform. Any delay in funding our nation’s military puts our national security – and those sworn to protect it – at great risk. As a former Navy helicopter pilot who is married to a veteran and mother to children who serve, it’s hard to find the words to express how frustrated and disappointed I am (
  • "This bill is the result of compromise and reflects the realities of a divided government. However, there is no denying today we took a big step in the right direction by passing the most consequential spending reduction in over a decade. But we can’t stop here. We must continue working to fix all of the problems that Washington’s wasteful spending has created." (
  • "In recent years, executive overreach has played a large role in the economic turmoil that everyday Americans are living through," said Congresswoman Kiggans. "Restoring fiscal sanity in Washington is one of the main reasons I came to Congress. Our democracy is built on a foundation of checks and balances; I’m proud to support this important measure and take an important step to shrink the size of the federal government, reduce spending, and provide much needed relief to economic Southeast Virginians." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "For years, the American people have been burdened by historic inflation, watching their paychecks shrink, and struggling to provide for their families," said Congresswoman Kiggans. "I am proud to help deliver commonsense, bipartisan solutions to provide relief to families, farmers, workers, and small businesses. The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act will help us compete against countries like China, reduce poverty and unemployment, encourage economic investment in communities across America, save taxpayer dollars, and support families." (
  • "In the midst of record-breaking inflation and an unprecedented national debt crisis, it is now more important than ever to pursue a commonsense, fiscally responsible agenda that meets the needs of the American people. I am committed to restoring strength in our economy by reining in wasteful spending, supporting pro-growth policies, and ensuring workers have the skills necessary to succeed in the jobs of today and those that will exist in the future." (
  • "Jen also knows how important it is to keep taxes low for businesses and working families, which is why she will fight to make permanent critical tax provisions in the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Provisions such as keeping the corporate tax rate low to encourage investments in the U.S., increasing the Child Tax Credit, and lowering individual income tax rates." (
  • "We are headed for the inevitable "Biden recession"…. The Biden economy has not only made gas unaffordable, but the cost of living is now at a 41-year high. We must restore strength in our economy…. #Inflation #Recession #FlipTheHouse #VA02" (
  • "Joe Biden is once again attempting to steamroll Congress with his misguided student debt bailout. Transferring billions of dollars of debt from one group of Americans to another will just continue to drive up tuition costs amid record-breaking inflation. The President should work across the aisle with Republicans to actually address the high cost of education and increase other opportunities for high school graduates. American families are already struggling under Bidenomics…they shouldn’t be on the hook for loans they didn’t take out!!" (
  • "Today's Supreme Court decision striking down President Biden's plan to forgive student loan debt affirms that taxpayers do not have to play for loans they did not take out. This is a fair and commonsense ruling which also savces the Federal Government billoions of dollars at a time when our economy continues to struggle with high prices and increased inflation." (
  • "Visiting her local Voter Registrar and keeping in close contact with their office through the election cycle is a priority for Jen. She will continue to lead the fight for election reforms in Congress by fighting to stop voting irregularities, maintain a photo ID requirement, prevent ballot harvesting, and ensure all state election officials — not just in battleground states — can keep our process secure and transparent." (
  • Voted for H.R.1 "Lower Energy Costs Act" (
  • "I went to my first ceremonial bill signing today at the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center. This bill brings the construction of offshore wind turbines 27 miles off the coast of VA Beach & more importantly, brings 14,000 jobs to Hampton Roads & power to 650,000 homes." (
  • "Record breaking gas prices and sky-high energy bills have hit us hard here in Hampton Roads. We have the solution to this crisis: resources generated right here in the United States. In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to ensure America’s energy needs can be met by domestic production, not by a reliance on foreign countries such as China and Russia. To put it simply, our energy independence is a matter of national security. That’s why I am proud to support an all-of-the-above energy strategy that will restore our energy independence, lower energy costs for Virginians, and ensure the United States can continue to be the global leader in reducing emissions. " (
  • Rated 17% by the League of Conservation Voters (
  • Rated 92% by the National Rifle Association (
  • "Jen is a staunch defender of the Second Amendment who will never compromise our right to bear arms. Despite Democrat attempts in the State Senate to curtail our Second Amendment rights, Jen never backed down and voted 100% of the time to protect Virgian’s right to bear arms." (
  • Rated 100% by the Gun Owners of America (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Voted in favor of HR 2 "Secure the Border Act of 2023" (
  • "I have been to the southern border and seen firsthand how the humanitarian and national security crisis there has spiraled out of control. This self-inflicted crisis is threatening the safety of Americans and emboldening cartels, which are making massive profits off of drug trafficking and exploiting vulnerable migrants. Enough is enough. I am committed to working with anyone, Republican, Democrat, or Independent, to solve the crisis at our southern border and stop the flow of illegal immigration into our country. We must restore the rule of law and support the law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line to defend and maintain our borders." (
  • Rated 89% by NumbersUSA (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2494 "Police Act of 2023" (
  • Rated 89% by NumbersUSA (
  • "To effectively combat illegal immigration, Jen will support policies that uphold federal immigration law, defund sanctuary cities, and hold politicians accountable if they refuse to comply with federal immigration officials." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2494 "Police Act of 2023" (
  • "That means securing critical funding for military bases and installations, never voting for defense cuts, and always advocating for military families." (
  • "10 bills I co-sponsored this year passed the House, including sanctions against individuals who engage with certain missile-related activities with Iran or Iran-aligned entities & legislation to prohibit the sale of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China 🧵" (
  • "She will hold the Biden Administration and Democrats in Washington accountable for their failures to confront terrorist threats from ISIS, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda and from nuclear threats like North Korea, Iran, China, and Russia that consistently threaten our homeland, our allies, and the American people." (
  • Voted for HR 5692 "Ukraine Security Assistance and Oversight Supplemental Appropriations Act" (
  • "Yesterday in the Virginia Senate, I spoke on the floor in support of the Ukrainian people who for two days have been terrorized by Vladimir Putin's aggression. Now is the time to show resolve and strength with our allies. The world is watching..." (
  • "I refuse to sit by and watch as the world implodes... I am proud that today the House passed multiple bills to secure our national security, support Israel, Ukraine, and our allies in the Indo-Pacific. My full statement below.👇" (
  • "Repelling the invasion of Ukraine will help make the world a safer place. I'm proud that our FY24 NDAA institutes a special inspector general for Ukraine security aid, ensuring that any assistance we provide will directly help defeat Putin's aggression. (
  • Voted for HR 5692 "Ukraine Security Assistance and Oversight Supplemental Appropriations Act" (
  • "Today, the House passed the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act with overwhelming bipartisan support… This bill will force the sale of TikTok and other apps controlled by bad actors such as China, Russia, and Iran. While I understand that many Americans use TikTok on a daily basis, the concerns over Americans’ privacy and the impacts to our national security are too great for Congress not to act. I am proud to have voted for this bill." (
  • Voted for HR 7521 "Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act" (

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