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Monica De La Cruz's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (TX) - District 15


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Candidates who qualify for the General Election will be invited to take the 2024 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2024.

  • Rated 100% by National Right to Life Committee (None)
  • "I applaud the monumental decision made today by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and return the authority to protect the unborn to the people's elected representatives in the states." (
  • "Protect Medicare and Social Security" (
  • "I’m proud to co-sponsor the Protecting Social Security Act and Medicare Act. These programs are essential. Our abuelitos deserve to spend their golden years enjoying their grandchildren and families, not counting pennies or skipping doctors’ appointments." (
  • "This week I voted for bipartisan legislation to rein in inflation. I’m also proud to have co-sponsored a bill to protect Medicare and Social Security for our parents and abuelitos, as well as legislation to support American energy." (
  • "The reckless spending spree of the Democratic Party is on its way to increasing taxes upon the American People. Let it be understood, that the left’s policies DO NOT benefit the hard-working citizens of South Texas!" (
  • "At least 24% of on-site businesses are worried that 2022 will be their final year open. Biden's administration's tax hikes and spending binge will only make it worse." (
  • "Lower taxes on working families" (
  • Rated 80% by FreedomWorks (None)
  • Rated 80% by FreedomWorks (None)
  • "I only give my endorsement to candidates who share my beliefs in the principles of lower taxes, smaller government, and a secure nation." (
  • "The reckless spending spree of the Democratic Party is on its way to increasing taxes upon the American People. Let it be understood, that the left’s policies DO NOT benefit the hard-working citizens of South Texas!" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "Proud to support the BACK THE BLUE event held this weekend by Hidalgo County Young Republicans & the Hidalgo County GOP We support the hard working law enforcement officers and thank them for protecting our community." (
  • "I proudly signed the Texas Back the Blue petition! I STRONGLY support our law enforcement officers! I make my stance LOUD and CLEAR!! Why won’t my opponent? Why doesn’t he condemn the recent violent acts against police officers?" (
  • "We need our police to protect our citizens now more than ever. They have a tough job and defunding them isn't the answer to the very real problems we face. #BacktheBlue" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2670: "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024" (
  • "I proudly support the U.S. Military." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 4365: "Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • "The reckless spending spree of the Democratic Party is on its way to increasing taxes upon the American People. Let it be understood, that the left’s policies DO NOT benefit the hard-working citizens of South Texas!" (
  • "At least 24% of on-site businesses are worried that 2022 will be their final year open. Biden's administration's tax hikes and spending binge will only make it worse." (
  • "Cut wasteful Washington spending that is driving inflation" (
  • "Stop the deficit spending that is driving rising inflation" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "Stop the deficit spending that is driving rising inflation" (
  • "Cut wasteful Washington spending that is driving inflation" (
  • "The Biden Administration thinks they fool Americans by just changing the definition of RECESSION. Inflation is through the roof, small businesses are hurting, Americans are feeling it in the pocket book. Stop making up your own definitions on man, woman and recession!!!" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "HR1 is a blatant attempt by the Dems to rig our elections in their favor. It would nationalize ballot harvesting, mandate mail-in ballots, establish gov funding of campaigns, weaken voter ID protections, force states to use ballot drop boxes for absentee and early voting, & more" (
  • "Support oil and natural gas jobs" (
  • "Reject radical socialist Green New Deal policies" (
  • "Socialist Radicals like AOC and Vin-Cent Gonzalez want to move to ONLY renewable energy! This WILL eliminate THOUSANDS of OIL FIELD JOBS in our district!! Say NO to unemployment and radical thinking!! SAVE JOBS in our district! Who does Gonzalez represent??? Guatemala or TX??" (
  • "Support oil and natural gas jobs" (
  • "Reject radical socialist Green New Deal policies" (
  • "Socialist Radicals like AOC and Vin-Cent Gonzalez want to move to ONLY renewable energy! This WILL eliminate THOUSANDS of OIL FIELD JOBS in our district!! Say NO to unemployment and radical thinking!! SAVE JOBS in our district! Who does Gonzalez represent??? Guatemala or TX??" (
  • "Why is Midland important to #TX15? Because the energy industry such as oil field jobs bring income to families in South Texas. When there are less oil field jobs, that means less money to put food on the table, and less in our economy. Bring back ENERGY INDEPENDENCE!!!" (
  • Rated 100% by Gun Owners of America (None)
  • "I stand by our 2nd Amendment." (
  • "When I get to Congress, I will fight to protect your 2nd Amendment right!" (
  • Rated 92% by National Rifle Association (None)
  • "I believe healthcare should be affordable for business owners to provide, but there should be limits to what the federal government can mandate. When you elect me, I'll fight to make sure that your property rights are in your hands." (
  • "Stop the continued government takeover of healthcare" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "This morning, I joined my colleagues from Texas in outlining a plan to secure our southern border. Illegal immigration is at record levels and Joe Biden simply does not care about this crisis. Congress must act — and we will." (
  • "Complete infrastructure along the southern border" (
  • "The Biden administration needs to listen to Border Patrol agents and our community. Hispanics, like most Americans, do not want open borders. They strengthen the cartels, endanger migrants, and hurt our country." (
  • Rated 90% by NumbersUSA (None)
  • "This morning, I joined my colleagues from Texas in outlining a plan to secure our southern border. Illegal immigration is at record levels and Joe Biden simply does not care about this crisis. Congress must act — and we will." (
  • "End Catch and Release" (
  • "Reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy" (
  • Rated 90% by NumbersUSA (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 340: "Hamas International Financing Prevention Act" (
  • "The terrorist attacks on innocent Israeli civilians, carried out by Iran-backed Hamas, demand a prompt and resolute response. Israel not only possesses the right to protect its citizens but also has a duty to act decisively. As a member of Congress, I stand firmly with Israel." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6126: "Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • "I truly wish the Ukrainian people well, but let me be clear: I’m the mother of a teenage boy. If I wouldn’t send my own son to fight in Ukraine, then I’m sure as hell not voting to send anyone else’s. Mr. President, Americans want peace, not war." (
  • Voted against HR 5692: "Ukraine Security Assistance and Oversight Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • "I am so disgusted with the censorship of the conservative voice. For SEVERAL WEEKS my team has been working with Facebook to allow my campaign page to boost ads. It has gotten SO RIDICULOUS that they are flagging me for simple ads like the ones below that are obviously NOT politically controversial. This page has only continued to grow because of your grassroots efforts!!! DON’T ALLOW FACEBOOK TO CENSOR THE CONSERVATIVE MESSAGE!!!!!" (
  • "TikTok is a Trojan horse for the Chinese Communist Party. As far as I’m concerned, TikTok can either find a buyer without CCP ties or it will lose access to the American market. Period. End of story. This is non-negotiable. We are not messing around." (

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