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Angus King, Jr.'s Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


On The Ballot: Running, Independent for U.S. Senate (ME) - Jr


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Angus King, Jr. is currently being tested through the 2024 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2018.

  • "Senator King saw the threat posed to Roe vs Wade in the Supreme Court years before its 2022 reversal, and has been outspoken about the need for women to make their own health care decisions – free of government intervention. He raised concerns about several court nominees, called out the Dobbs’ decision as a "dangerous, blatantly political ruling" and continues to seek avenues to protect American women’s personal medical choices, especially women in the armed forces." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 3755: "Women's Health Protection Act of 2021" (
  • Rated 100% by Planned Parenthood Action Fund (
  • "By overturning Roe v. Wade, this Supreme Court has erased nearly half a century of precedent upon precedent through a dangerous, blatantly political ruling that will rob millions of women the right to make decisions about their own health, safety, and lives." (
  • "This legislation puts up a wall between a woman and her doctor and interferes with important medical decisions," Senator King said. "Rather than erect barriers to health care for women, Congress should work to make care more accessible and more affordable, and we should invest more in the type of services that will prevent the need for abortions in the first place." (
  • "To strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding is to deny millions of women and men basic health care services, many of whom are low-income and rely on the organization as their sole health care provider," Senator King said. "Congress's unfounded yet relentless assault on Planned Parenthood is simply another example of misguided outrage that would only hurt those who need help the most." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "For seven long years, companies have had free rein to solidify their influence in politics and maximize their impact on elections. As the magnitude of the problem and the potential for abuse has skyrocketed, investor demand for this information has greatly intensified. [...] We believe any appropriations language intended to block this critical disclosure will serve only to impede the SEC's ability to perform its primary mission of investor protection. As such, we urge you to reject any language that would prohibit the SEC from taking any action to require public companies to disclose their political spending to shareholders." (
  • "In Maine, we still have town meetings. These meetings are the finest examples of democracy at work: anybody with an opinion can walk into the meeting and work to sway the voters to their side," said Senator King. "What you can't do, however, is walk into the meeting with a bag over your head, or pay to anonymously plaster the room with negative ads. You have to let people know who you are and stand by your word. Unfortunately, those same rules don't apply to our current campaign finance system. Anonymous people and groups can spend huge amounts without ever revealing their true identity -- it's not healthy, it's not right, and it needs to be stopped. That is why I'm proud to join with my colleagues to introduce this important legislation, and will continue pushing for serious campaign finance reform -- like greater transparency -- as I have throughout my time in the Senate." (
  • "When I first got into this subject last year, I thought it was bad. Well, what I've learned over the last several months is it's a lot worse than I thought. It's happening fast. It's a tidal wave, and it's going to engulf our system. Why do we care? Because it's corrosive. Because it undermines the public confidence in us as their political leaders. It's wrong, and I think it's something that we should attend to. I think we should be able to find a bipartisan solution to this subject because it will benefit this whole country, and I think it will be of great benefit to the institution of the democracy itself. This is not what the Framers envisioned, and we have it within our power to do something about it and to improve the situation and to improve the flow of information, including the source of that information, to the people of America." (
  • Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions? "Yes" (
  • "As I've said before, however, our current budget process is no way to govern. With an average of about five Continuing Resolutions a year since the turn of the century, these spending bills do not provide the adequate certainty needed for people to do business and plan for the future, and continue to raise the national deficit, which will ultimately have to be paid off by future generations. I remain committed to working with members on both side of the aisle to find common sense improvements to the budget process so Congress can pass these spending bills on time with broad bipartisan support." (
  • "Despite my frustration with the budget process over the last few months, the bill passed today funds important programs and initiatives that support hardworking men and women in Maine," Senator King said. "From funding critical resources to combat the opioid epidemic, to supporting shipbuilding priorities at Bath Iron Works, to streamlining veterans' services, to expanding rural broadband infrastructure, this legislation will help support the good work of people across Maine who are dedicated to strengthening the economy and improving the lives of others in their communities." (
  • "Tonight, I'm disappointed, and I'm angry, because the American people deserve better. For months, moderates in the Senate reached across the aisle to colleagues -- and friends -- asking them to sit down and work together on a commonsense tax reform bill that supports hardworking Americans and fosters economic growth for businesses in Maine and across the country. In other words: to govern. But instead of digging in and doing the hard work, this Senate has decided to pass a bill that helps the few instead of the many, and shifts a massive financial burden onto our children. Rather than maximize this opportunity to help working Americans and set our nation on a path to further prosperity, this bill pushes through at least $1 trillion in unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy and for corporations. These cuts are not only misguided -- they're downright dangerous, and their effects will be felt by every aspect of our society, from the health of our economy to our national security interests." (
  • Do you support requiring states to implement education reforms in order to be eligible for competitive federal grants? "No" (
  • "He has introduced legislation that pushes for increased domestic production of renewable energy sources, which would create more jobs at home, reduce dangerous emissions and lower energy prices." (
  • "That’s why Senator King has continually pushed for legislation that restricts carbon output, promotes clean energy and would lead to a safer, cleaner planet for decades to come – as well as more jobs for hardworking Mainers today." (
  • "Senator King has fought for funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Brownfields program – an initiative that helps clean up communities that have been affected by pollution from hazardous materials. In addition to its huge environmental benefits, more funding for the program would lead to new business opportunities and economic revitalization in districts across the state." (
  • "That’s why Senator King has continually pushed for legislation that restricts carbon output, promotes clean energy and would lead to a safer, cleaner planet for decades to come – as well as more jobs for hardworking Mainers today." (
  • "Too many communities across our nation have been gripped by the pain and trauma of mass shootings," said Senator King. "Many of these mass shootings were perpetrated by killers who displayed warning signs of emotional or mental distress, and were still able to purchase a gun. That is simply unacceptable. We need to pursue proactive approaches to save lives, while still protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun-owners -- and that starts with trying to intervene early with those who have shown the potential to harm themselves or others." (
  • "Maine has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country and one of the lowest rates of gun violence - the current laws in Maine support Second Amendment rights while still being reasonable. For example: while I was governor I backed a law that prevents someone from getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon if they are under a protective order as a result of domestic violence. That's not gun control, that's common sense." (
  • "Over the course of the past few months I've been talking to advocates on both sides of the issue. My highest priority in weighing their respective arguments has always been to find a solution that is effective and enforceable. That's why today I voted in favor of a sensible, compromise background check amendment crafted by Senators Manchin and Toomey. That's also why I voted in favor of Senators Collins' and Leahy's measure to strengthen penalties for gun trafficking and straw purchases, which I cosponsored. That's why I supported a measure that would limit magazine clips to ten rounds. All of these are common-sense provisions that would not only have an immediate impact on reducing gun violence, but that are also supported by a majority of Senators! Instead, today, a minority of Senators prevented their passage and, simply put, it's unconscionable." (
  • "The Affordable Care Act has provided thousands of people in Maine and millions more across the country with affordable, high-quality health insurance," Senator King said. "Rather than try to take that away, Congress should focus on how we can improve and strengthen the law so that we can extend health insurance to even more people in this country who need it. That's how we best serve the people who sent us here and, frankly, they deserve nothing less." (
  • "Health care reform must focus on access to services and reducing costs. While I support the Affordable Care Act, it is not perfect, and needs refinement. I do, however, support the principle of individual responsibility and the conservative idea of the individual mandate, as developed in 1989 by the Heritage Foundation." (
  • "He has proposed several solutions that would strengthen our health care system, including legislation to stabilize premiums and expand the ACA’s cost-sharing reduction payment program in order to keep insurance affordable and accessible to as many Americans as possible." (
  • "Roughly 20 percent of the average Mainer’s income goes to paying for health care, so it’s clear that the Affordable Care Act is not perfect. But the repeal-and-replace options presented by Congress this past year would only exacerbate the problems Americans are already facing. It’s time that senators work together – across the aisle – to provide more comprehensive, less expensive health care for the tens of millions of Americans in desperate need of a hand. Senator King is committed to doing just that." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • "The young men and women who qualify for deferred action have spent the majority of their lives in the United States -- coming here as children at no fault of their own -- and have worked hard to be active members of society. They pay taxes, look after their loved ones, contribute to their communities, and support our economy," said Senator King. "I am encouraged that members of Congress in both Houses, on both sides of the aisle are concerned about the status of DACA recipients in our country, and hope that we can harness that energy to pass this bipartisan legislation. These young people want so much to be a part of our nation, where they go to school, work, live and call home. The Graham-Durbin bill gives Dreamers the chance to continue contributing to our country, while also substantially increasing border security. The agreement would allow us to protect our border, and protect the American ideals of hard work and self-determination -- I hope the Senate will act on it quickly." (
  • "Those protected under DACA came here as children with their parents -- at no fault of their own -- and have been here for years and years. In that time, they've worked to provide for their families, pay taxes, and contribute to the American economy. While I am disappointed the Administration has chosen to rescind this program, I am hopeful that Congress will take this opportunity to work together and find a long-term legislative solution that reflects our country's values and supports driven young people looking to work and live in the country they call home." (
  • Do you support requiring illegal immigrants to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship? "No" (
  • Signed letter stating: "As you know, this past election saw eight states vote to allow or expand some form of legal marijuana use, bringing the grand total to 29 states and jurisdictions in the United States. Yet, in these states, the majority of legal marijuana businesses, and businesses that provide services to them, are all but barred from participating in the financial system. As a result, many legal businesses are forced to operate in cash, which jeopardizes community safety, limits economic growth, and greatly expands the opportunity for tax fraud. We urge you to issue further guidance to financial institutions on their ability to provide services, specifically to indirect businesses that do nothing more than provide services to the state-sanctioned marijuana industry." (
  • Signed letter stating: "With tens of millions of Americans soon gaining legal access to marijuana under state laws, new guidance is necessary in order to allow banks to enhance the availability of financial services for indirect businesses that service the marijuana industry." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
This candidate has responded to a Political Courage Test in a previous election. As a continued effort to provide the American public with factual information on candidates running for public office, these archived responses are made available here.
Pro-choice Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
I believe that abortion should be safe, available, and rare, and I do not believe that the government should interfere in decisions that are made between a woman and her health care provider.
Unknown Position In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
Unknown Position In order to balance the budget, do you support reducing defense spending?
I believe that we need to pass comprehensive tax reform provides targeted tax relief, increases revenues, and simplifies the tax code. Unfortunately, the tax plan that passed Congress in late 2017 failed to accomplish most of these goals and heavily tilted the benefits of the tax cuts toward the wealthy and corporations. I strongly opposed sequestration, which resulted in across-the-board cuts to defense and non-defense spending. I support making targeted investments in programs that protect our national security while always looking for ways to increase efficiency and cut wasteful or duplicative spending.
Yes Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
I strongly support reforming our campaign finance laws. I cosponsored the We the People Democracy Reform Act, which would significantly reform campaign finance laws by creating a small donor, public matching funds system for presidential and congressional races; closing disclosure loopholes for outside spending groups; requiring 48-hour disclosure for large contributions to candidates and parties; providing accountability for campaign ads run by outside groups; shutting down individual-candidate Super PACs and strengthens rules prohibiting coordination; establishing a new approach for enforcing campaign finance laws; and strengthening lobbying and revolving door laws.
Unknown Position Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
No Do you support lowering corporate taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
I have previously supported lowering the corporate tax rate to levels that would make the U.S. competitive with other highly-developed countries - however, I am not convinced that cutting the corporate tax rate to 21%, as the 2017 Republican tax bill did, was fiscally responsible or in line with what was necessary from a competitiveness standpoint.
No Do you support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
The federal government's investment in K-12 education is relatively limited in comparison to what state and local governments provide. Because of this, I believe that the appropriate role for the federal government is not to mandate specific curriculum standards, but to provide guardrails to ensure that all students - including students with disabilities, English language learners, and low-income students - have access to high-quality public education. I think the federal government can be a partner in education and is in the best position to fund and disseminate research on what works best in providing high-quality education to our students.
Yes Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, thermal)?
Yes Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
Yes Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
I believe that while we cannot guarantee complete safety through legislation, we can take steps to curb gun violence while respecting the Second Amendment rights and the rights of law-abiding gun owners. I think that Congress should act to address the mass shootings and gun violence that have become all-too-common. To that end, I support measures to expand background checks, cut down on gun trafficking, ban bump stocks, and limit magazine capacity.
No Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
No Do you support the construction of a wall along the Mexican border?
No Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
I support comprehensive reform to our nation's immigration system, and I voted in favor of the bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill before the Senate in 2013. I believe we need to take smart steps to secure our nation's borders while taking steps to provide long-term certainty for the millions of people - including many young people who were brought here as children. I support well-reasoned efforts to increase border security, but I don't think building a wall is the most effective way to get there.
Unknown Position Do you support the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes?
As Maine and other states have legalized marijuana use, I believe the federal government should give states the ability to make policy based on the wishes of their citizens. Attorney General Sessions has made concerning statements about increased enforcement of federal marijuana policy in states where marijuana is legal, a departure from the prior administration's policy. This ambiguity highlights the fact that a clearer solution is needed to bring certainty to businesses that are technically violating federal law. In the meantime, it would be improper for the federal government to interfere with state laws on this issue.
Unknown Position Should the United States use military force in order to prevent governments hostile to the U.S. from possessing a nuclear weapon?
Unknown Position Do you support increased American intervention in Middle Eastern conflicts beyond air support?
I believe that using a diplomatic approach, backed by a military deterrent, is preferable to preventive military conflict. While I don't support a preemptive military strike of hostile regimes seeking a nuclear weapon, containment of such regimes does require making them understand that attacks on their neighbors will result in the U.S. deploying military force to defeat such aggression. For too long, the U.S. has used the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs to engage in warfare beyond the extent those authorities intended. I believe that Congress should instead fulfill its constitutional duty to update war authorizations in response to current conflicts.
1. Increasing prevention and treatment options for individuals struggling with opioid use. 2. Protecting and expanding access to affordable healthcare. 3. Working on rebuilding Maine?s rural economy through expanding broadband, workforce development, research and development, and avoiding the impacts of climate change.

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