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Frank Pallone, Jr.'s Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NJ) - District 6


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Frank Pallone, Jr. has failed to provide voters with positions on key issues covered by the 2024 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart and voters like you.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2024.

  • Voted against HR 26: "Born- Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • "The Supreme Court is hearing another extreme abortion case. At issue is an Idaho law preventing doctors from providing emergency abortion care when the life of the mother is at stake. This is the post-Roe America that Republican officials created." (
  • Rated 100% by NARAL Pro-Choice America (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 8296: "Women's Health Protection Act of 2022- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Rated 100% by Alliance for Retired Americans (None)
  • "@EnergyCommerce held a hearing today on Medicaid, where I focused on how we can work together to improve quality and access to long-term care for Americans and better support our nation's hardworking care providers." (
  • "This is shameful. The ACA’s Medicaid Expansion has provided millions of low-income Americans health insurance, but Republicans in 10 states continue to stubbornly hold out. It’s time they put people over politics." (
  • Voted in favor of S 610: "Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted against HR 6760: "Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts act of 2018- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Rated 0% by FreedomWorks (None)
  • Rated 13% by the National Taxpayers Union (None)
  • Voted against HR 1: "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Rated 92% by End Citizen United (None)
  • Rated 89% by Common Cause (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 1: "For the People Act of 2021- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Rated 20% by the National Association of Police (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 1280: "George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Rated 85% by Council for a Livable World (None)
  • Rated 5% by the Center for Security Policy (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 7900: "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 2471: "Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Rated 16% by Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 1319: "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 2: "Moving Forward Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 7301: "Emergency Housing Protections and Relief Act of 2020- National Key Vote" (None)
  • "As our nation faces a housing crisis, it's clear that Congress must do more to increase affordability & provide opportunities for first time homebuyers. " (
  • Voted in favor of HR 8294: "Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2023 - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 5376: "Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Rated 16% by Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 7688: "Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 2547: "Comprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Rated 100% by National Education Association (None)
  • "@POTUS has forgiven ANOTHER $7.4 billion in student loans for 277,000 borrowers! The Biden Admin has now canceled a total of $153 billion for 4.3 million borrowers. (
  • ".@POTUS has already canceled more than $140 billion in student loan debt despite the Supreme Court blocking his original plan. Utilizing his authority under the Higher Education Act will allow him to go further & provide more relief to even more borrowers" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 5746: "Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Rated 96% by Public Citizen (None)
  • Rated 89% by Common Cause (None)
  • Rated 100% by League of Conservation Voters (None)
  • "NJ is making major investments in solar energy — helping lower energy costs, grow our economy & combat the climate crisis. The investments include $156 million for Solar for All from the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act, a huge step forward in the transition to a clean economy." (
  • "Spoke at the NJ Energy Coalition about the positive benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act and how it’s putting us on a path to a clean economy by investing in U.S. energy independence and prioritizing renewable resources." (
  • "The Inflation Reduction Act is bolstering American manufacturing of solar — growing our economy and creating good-paying jobs. This is the way to help us lead the world in the clean energy transition. We must continue moving forward." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 1941: "Coastal and Marine Economies Protection Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted against HR 1: "Lower Energy Costs Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted against HR 21: "Strategic Production Response Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 823: "Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 7910: "Protecting Our Kids Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • "The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act was a good first step, but Congress must go further & pass universal background checks & an assault weapons ban. The only obstacle is Republicans who have repeatedly blocked Democrats’ efforts to keep guns out of the hands of violent people." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 1808: "Assault Weapons Ban of 2022- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of S 2938: "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 1425: "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhacement Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • "Republicans have no plan to lower costs for Americans. Instead they want to lower taxes for the wealthy & big corporations & cut Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid benefits for seniors.It’s cruel & it’s wrong. I stand strongly against these efforts." (
  • "The debate over Medicaid expansion highlights a key difference between Democrats & Republicans. While Red states refuse to expand Medicaid, Democrats are fighting to ensure everyone has access to quality, affordable health care." (
  • "This is shameful. The ACA’s Medicaid Expansion has provided millions of low-income Americans health insurance, but Republicans in 10 states continue to stubbornly hold out. It’s time they put people over politics." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6201: "Families First Coronavirus Response Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • "Today we welcomed @SecBecerra to @EnergyCommerce to discuss President Biden's budget proposal, which builds on Democrats' efforts to lower health care and Rx drug costs while expanding access to high quality, affordable care." (
  • "I'm glad to see leading manufacturers capping the price of inhalers at $35 per month—hopefully other manufacturers will quickly follow suit. Much like insulin, no one should ever have to choose between a lifesaving inhaler and putting food on the table." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6833: "The Affordable Insulin Now Act" (None)
  • Rated 16% by Numbers USA (None)
  • Voted against HR 5525: "Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act, 2024 - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 1333: "NO BAN Act- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted against HR 2494: "POLICE Act of 2023- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted against HR 5525: "Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act, 2024 - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 6: "American Dream and Promise Act of 2021- National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 5692: "Ukraine Security Assistance and Oversight Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 - National Key Vote" (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 7108: "Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act - National Key Vote" (None)
  • "Putin's invasion of Ukraine has emboldened our adversaries, including Iran, to use terror to achieve their objectives. House Republicans need to get serious about the Senate security supplemental. The U.S. cannot stand on the sidelines when freedom and democracy are on the line." (
  • "Met with @AmericaforUA who highlighted the dire situation in Ukraine and the urgent need for the House to pass the Senate security supplemental. We agreed that the U.S. has a moral responsibility to support Ukraine's defense and push back against Putin's unprovoked aggression." (
  • "Putin is so lost in his blood lust and desire to conquer Ukraine that he's solidifying Russia as a regressive, anti-west, militarized society. The U.S. and our allies must be prepared to support Ukraine and defend NATO territory." (
  • "Vital military aid for Ukraine passed a long-overdue hurdle yesterday. The United States stands with Ukraine as it fights Russian aggression and defends its sovereignty. Congress must continue to support Ukrainians and deliver the assistance they need." (
  • "National security experts are warning that our foreign adversaries are using every tool at their disposal, including apps like TikTok, to amass troves of sensitive data about Americans. We cannot allow this to continue. " (
  • "It's clear our foreign adversaries are determined to use TikTok to undermine U.S. interests, which is why I helped lead efforts in Congress to pass legislation requiring divestment from its parent company and Chinese Communist Party control." (
  • "It's official: @POTUS has signed the foreign assistance and national security supplemental to support our allies, require the Chinese government to divest TikTok, and my legislation to stop data brokers from selling Americans' data to our foreign adversaries." (
  • "I held a roundtable today on holding Big Tech accountable and protecting Americans’ privacy online." (
This candidate has responded to a Political Courage Test in a previous election. As a continued effort to provide the American public with factual information on candidates running for public office, these archived responses are made available here.
Pro-choice Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
I am a strong supporter of the Women's Health Protection Act, H.R. 2975, which would enact Roe v. Wade into federal law. My Committee held a hearing on this legislation earlier this year.
No In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
Yes Do you support expanding federal funding to support entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare?
I would restore the corporate tax rate that was reduced by President Trump's 2017 tax overhaul. This tax scam hit New Jersyans especially hard when they got rid of state and local tax (SALT) deductions that were used by many families in our state. I will continue to fight for the repeal of this provision and work to ensure every American is paying their fair share. Social Security and Medicare are critical safety nets for the most vulnerable among us. I authored and led the House-passage of H.R. 3 reducing prescription drug prices and used the savings to expand Medicare
Yes Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
I strongly support campaign finance reform. In January, the first piece of legislation introduced and passed was H.R. 1, the For the People Act. It would transform how campaigns are funded to amplify the voices of ordinary Americans and bolster election security. The For the People Act would expand access to the ballot box, targeting institutional barriers to voting that disenfranchise voters creating major roadblocks to voting, especially for minorities. It will create automatic voter registration; ensuring individuals who've completed felony sentences have their rights restored; expand early voting, simplify absentee voting; and modernize the voting system.
No Do you support the protection of government officials, including law enforcement officers, from personal liability in civil lawsuits concerning alleged misconduct?
No Do you support increasing defense spending?
The Pentagon and the ever-increasing defense budget draws much-needed funding away from our country's domestic needs. For instance, I believe that instead of wasting trillions of dollars on the F-35 fighter program, we could have used those funds to fix our broken bridges and roads, replace lead pipes for safer drinking water, shore up our health care system to make it more affordable, and help to pay for the expansion of broadband to ensure internet connectivity for all American families.
Yes Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
No Do you support lowering corporate taxes as a means of promoting economic growth?
Yes Do you support providing financial relief to businesses AND/OR corporations negatively impacted by the state of national emergency for COVID-19?
U.S. corporate taxes are already some of the lowest in the world, allowing corporations to take advantage of the American education system, public infrastructure, and so much more without contributing back to our country. I also believe decisive action should be taken to track down and repatriate taxes from corporations who purposefully seek to hide their wealth in foreign tax havens. 3) but I believe most, if not all, of this aid should go toward smaller, locally owned businesses and should have strict oversight as to how these funds are being used. Right now, it is critical that we help
Yes Do you support requiring states to adopt federal education standards?
In some instances, -- such as civil rights concerns -- the federal government will need to require nationwide standards while leaving curriculum decisions to state and local officials.
Yes Do you support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, geo-thermal)?
Yes Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
During my time as Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, I have taken numerous steps to address the existential threats that climate change poses. I led legislation preventing Trump from withdrawing from the landmark Paris Climate Agreement, which passed the House of Representatives in May 2019. More recently, I drafted the CLEAN Future Act, which is comprehensive climate change legislation that would achieve a 100 percent clean economy. This bill also underscores the importance of protecting American workers and providing critical assistance to minority groups that are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change.
Yes Do you generally support gun-control legislation?
America has an epidemic of gun violence that is both heartbreaking and shameful. I support gun violence prevention measures and have consistently backed stricter background checks like the ones found in the Bipartisan Background Checks Act that passed the House of Representatives in March 2019. Even though an overwhelming majority of Americans support commonsense solutions to protect our communities from gun violence, those solutions have been hard to achieve because entrenched interests like the gun lobby have used big money and influence to stop Congress from acting.
No Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare")?
Yes Do you support requiring businesses to provide paid medical leave during public health crises, such as COVID-19?
As one of the main authors of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), I've always fought for access to affordable, quality health care. We've seen Congressional Republicans and the Trump Administration consistently trying to repeal and sabotage the ACA. I sponsored several bills lowering the cost of prescription drugs, protecting patients from surprise billing, improving maternal care disparities, and addressing gun violence as a public health threat. I am also the lead author of legislation to make coronavirus testing, drugs, treatment and an eventual vaccine free for all.
No Do you support the construction of a wall along the Mexican border?
No Do you support requiring immigrants who are unlawfully present to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
I am a strong supporter of an immediate pathway to citizenship for DREAMers and for our immigrant neighbors with Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Undocumented immigrants who have not been convicted of serious criminal offenses should also have a pathway to citizenship. The United States must continue to be open to asylum seekers. Our history is one of granting refuge to those who have been persecuted.
No Should the United States use military force to prevent governments hostile to the U.S. from possessing a weapon of mass destruction (for example: nuclear, biological, chemical)?
Yes Do you support reducing military intervention in Middle East conflicts?
Military force should only be used as a last resort. President Bush used the threat of weapons of mass destruction as an excuse to invade Iraq when in reality that country did not possess such weapons.
No Do you generally support removing barriers to international trade (for example: tariffs, quotas, etc.)?
American workers have suffered greatly because of bad trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA is structured in a way that puts corporations before people, allowing them to setup factories abroad that skirt health and safety standards and ignore environmental regulations. Free trade deals are generally unfavorable to the United States and our trading partners often do not live up to their obligations.
Making health care more accessible and affordable, advancing my comprehensive climate change legislation, and ensuring consumer and public safety are my top concerns today and for the next Congress.

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