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Tom Cole's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (OK) - District 4


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Tom Cole has failed to provide voters with positions on key issues covered by the 2024 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart and voters like you.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2024.

  • "I am deeply opposed to the legislation brought by House Democrats to codify and expand the misguided and unconstitutional abortion policy of Roe v. Wade," said Cole. "If enacted into law, these misguided bills would wipe from the books earlier state restrictions and require abortion on-demand nationwide at any point during a pregnancy. This is not only an outrageous attempt to strip individual states of their rights to determine such policy on their own, but it silences the voices of American voters, including thousands of Oklahomans, who cherish the sanctity of life and are opposed to abortions." (
  • "The Supreme Court's highly anticipated opinion gives America's 50 separate and unique states and their voters the authority to determine their own policies concerning abortion, rather than unelected judges and bureaucrats. Indeed, since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, it was immediately controversial and quickly became an outdated decision due to rapid advancements in medicine and science. As a proud defender of unborn life throughout my entire career, both in Congress and in the Oklahoma State Legislature, I am pleased that voters will now have a voice on this important issue." (
  • Voted against HR 8296 "Women's Health Protection Act of 2022" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Voted against HR 5377 "Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act" (
  • "Beyond short changing our defense and spending big on progressive policies, President Biden expects the American people to foot the bill. His budget proposes a $55 trillion tax increase on American individuals and businesses over the next decade. Moreover, the president endorsed raising the corporate income tax rate and other taxes targeting individuals, small businesses and our independent energy industries." (
  • "Today, the majority is seeking to undo some of that progress and is seeking to push a temporary tax break that will only benefit a few wealthy individuals in a few States. The State and local tax deduction, or SALT deduction, as it is called, primarily benefits only a select group of individuals, generally wealthy people in the top 20 percent of income, in a few high-tax States, who own expensive homes. H.R. 5377 would allow these individuals to temporarily claim an unlimited SALT deduction for only the years 2020 and 2021." (
  • "Beyond short changing our defense and spending big on progressive policies, President Biden expects the American people to foot the bill. His budget proposes a $55 trillion tax increase on American individuals and businesses over the next decade. Moreover, the president endorsed raising the corporate income tax rate and other taxes targeting individuals, small businesses and our independent energy industries." (
  • "Filled with mandates that disrupt the constitutional role of states and egregious provisions that limit free speech, H.R. 1 is a rushed and sloppy attempt to rewrite voting laws, election laws and campaign finance laws to get more Democrats elected. Despite claims to the contrary, it is not a bill to ensure more American citizens exercise their right to vote or participate in making their views heard." (
  • "Although titled by Democrats as the "For the People Act,' a better name for H.R. 1 would be the "For the Politicians Act' since its aim is to change campaign finance law and state election systems to preserve and boost their own majority," said Cole. "This is a blatant and shameful power grab, which would essentially create a welfare program for politicians and candidates on the taxpayer dime." (
  • Voted against HR 1 "For the People Act of 2021" (
  • Voted against HR 1280 "George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021" (
  • "Mr. Speaker, the NDAA is one of the most critical pieces of legislation the House considers each year. Congress has a constitutional obligation to provide for the common defense, and this is an obligation I know the House takes very seriously. Each year, the NDAA enables Congress to set appropriate defense policies, to provide guidance and direction to the armed forces, and above all, to set authorization levels for defense funding. Collectively, these efforts provide our warfighters with the training, equipment, and strategy necessary to meet any challenge around the globe." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2670 "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7900 "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023" (
  • Voted against HR 3684 "Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2811 "Limit, Save, Grow Act" (
  • "Indeed, the mandatory side of the budget is by far the largest category of spending. For years, economic analyses, studies and projections have warned about its unsustainable growth. For example, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that mandatory programs represented 34 percent of all government spending in 1965. Today, that figure has risen dramatically to reflect more than two-thirds of all spending. Meanwhile, an added concern is the simultaneous growth of interest on the national debt and rising interest rates, further impeding the nation's ability to pay for various programs and services in the future." (
  • "Madam Speaker, we have purportedly a $3 trillion package in two different parts in front of us today. We are not going to talk a lot about the first part of the package, the so called "infrastructure package." But I want to talk about it because it didn't come through the Rules Committee. It didn't need to. And it's not going to be subject to much debate here. But we ought to talk about it." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Voted against HR 5376 "Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" (
  • "But what is not in this bill is another reason to vote against it. It does nothing to deal with inflation. Indeed, during the Rules Committee, we submitted a letter from 280 economists that said, this is going to make it worse, not better. 280. They can rely on Mr. Summers and rely on the 280 economists from both parties and every point of view that said this is not going to work when it comes to inflation. There is nothing in this bill is going to increase energy production in the United States. Nothing at all." (
  • "Continuing to spend on the national credit card and failing to enact deficit-reduction policies to pay it down is not only irresponsible, but absolutely unsustainable. During a time when our nation faces mounting threats such as an increasingly adversarial Communist China and the highest inflation seen in 40 years, the monstrous size of our national debt quite simply poses great risk to our national security. Indeed, unless government leaders get serious about addressing the biggest drivers of that debt and until Democrats abandon their irresponsible multi-trillion-dollar policies, the country will continue drifting even faster toward a catastrophic economic disaster." (
  • "President Joe Biden's latest terrible idea to cancel a wide swath of federal student loan debts will ultimately harm hardworking Americans more than it will help anyone other than affluent voters in the days to come," said Cole. "Forgiving federal college loans will only add more fuel to the raging inflationary fire that is already making it difficult for Americans to pay for basic items needed to live and take care of their families. Moreover, this move will add hundreds of billions of dollars more to the national debt, erasing any supposed deficit reduction and inflation relief recently touted and claimed by Democrats in their partisan reconciliation bill." (
  • "If enacted, the Democrats' latest scheme to federalize elections would irrevocably alter how states oversee and operate their own elections, as they have done historically. The result would be an unprecedented power grab by Washington that would completely change the character of elections as we know it, including requiring states to provide automatic and same-day voter registration, requiring vote by mail and early voting, overriding state voter ID laws and establishing a new taxpayer-funded campaign ATM that would ensure certain candidates to receive millions of dollars in federal taxpayer dollars." (
  • Voted against HR 5746 "Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act" (
  • "Today President Biden has made yet another unilateral decision in reducing the United States' carbon emissions by drastic numbers by the year 2030. Not only did President Biden have the opportunity to ask for and receive input from Congress before reentering the Paris Climate Agreement to ensure this agreement results in internationally equitable terms, but he is now doubling President Obama's previous commitments. While I believe climate change needs to be addressed, there are bipartisan and commonsense solutions that are realistic." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 1 "Lower Energy Costs Act" (
  • Voted against HR 4447 "Expanding Access to Sustainable Energy Act of 2019" (
  • "Dr. Burgess, my fellow member of the Rules Committee and a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, submitted two amendments that required the President to consider how carbon emission-free nuclear power and other forms of renewable energy with zero emissions, like hydropower, could contribute to meeting the United States' obligation under the Paris Agreement." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 21 "Strategic Production Response Act" (
  • "The answer is to unleash domestic energy production to supply more oil and gas. America is producing nearly two million barrels a day less than we were in 2020. President Biden could easily reverse the policies he implemented on day one, including restarting the Keystone XL pipeline, reopening federal lands for more exploration and production and adopting policies that encourage, rather than disparage, our domestic energy industry." (
  • "The reality is that Democrats and the president refuse to advance obvious solutions that would immediately bring prices down and reduce pain at the gas pump for hardworking American families. This should include allowing oil and gas drilling on federal lands, restarting the Keystone XL Pipeline, stopping the purchase of oil from adversarial countries, exploring new domestic sources of energy and enacting an all-of-the-above energy policy to secure American energy independence. Instead, all we have is this pathetic fig leaf of a bill that does nothing the Federal Trade Commission cannot already do and that wrongfully villainizes our hardworking American energy producers." (
  • Voted against S 2938 "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act" (
  • "Again and again this Congress, we have watched the Majority try to reduce or eliminate the rights of American citizens to purchase or own firearms. Today's measure is a direct attack on that right. Rather than protecting the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, H.R. 1808 would ban a broad group of firearms, including some of the most popular firearms on the market today. This is a direct infringement of the Second Amendment, one that is certainly unconstitutional and one that I cannot and will not support." (
  • "Perhaps contrary to popular belief, Republicans have actually taken real, concrete steps to address gun violence in a way that also respects the Second Amendment such as the Fix NICS Act, which strengthened the existing National Instant Criminal Background Check System. In addition, the Trump Administration issued regulations to ban bump stocks. Republicans have also consistently supported funding to enhance mental health services across the country. Personally, I have been proud to support increased funding for the National Institute on Mental Health as well as funding for mental health block grants and mental health crisis response grants." (
  • Voted against HR 1808 "Assault Weapons Ban of 2022" (
  • Voted against HR 1425 "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act" (
  • "While it might be appealing to pursue what sounds like the be all end all with Medicare for All, Democrats promised that less than a decade ago with the so-called Affordable Care Act. Back then, Americans were promised they could keep their doctors, that they could stay on their current plans and that their premiums would go down. None of those things turned out to be true, yet Democrats have pushed for a total government takeover of the industry with their Medicare for All proposal. Aside from its staggering cost, estimated at more than $32 trillion over 10 years, Medicare for All would cause more than 158 million Americans to lose their current coverage. In fact, private health insurance would be completely banned." (
  • "While it's uncertain how much the specific legislation would cost taxpayers or how Democrats intend to pay for it, the price tag would be enormous. In fact, basic Medicare for All proposals have been estimated at more than $32 trillion over 10 years. The annual federal budget is already about $4.5 trillion, but that number would jump to around $7.7 trillion with the proposed one-size-fits-all, government-run health care system. During the hearing, we learned from one of our witnesses that even if both the individual and corporate tax rates were doubled, the cost of Medicare for All still wouldn't be covered." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6201 "Families First Coronavirus Response Act" (
  • Voted against HR 3 "Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019" (
  • "Republicans and Democrats agree that something must be done about the often-overwhelming price of prescription drugs and life-saving treatments. The good news is that bipartisan solutions already exist to do just that. The bad news is that Democrats failed to advance those policies when given the opportunity on the House floor," said Cole. "Sadly, Democrats chose to pass Speaker Pelosi's radical H.R. 3, which would damage innovation and inhibit the discovery of new cures. While I was proud to support the bipartisan package offered by Republicans with H.R. 19, which includes provisions I have cosponsored and previously supported, I am disappointed that Democrats blocked this better option for the American people." (
  • "There is bipartisan agreement that this is a real problem that requires a real solution. Certainly, the millions of Americans affected by diabetes would agree. And yet insulin is not the only drug that has seen steep price increases in recent years. In my view, we would be better served to address this problem through a bipartisan comprehensive bill, like H.R. 19, that would lower the prices of all drugs. Such an approach would provide real relief to consumers and ensure real solutions to high drug prices across the board." (
  • Voted against HR 6833 "The Affordable Insulin Now Act" (
  • "These numbers only scratch the surface of the grim realities faced. A porous border is anything but kind or compassionate. It has empowered drug cartels and human traffickers. It has allowed fentanyl and illicit drugs to flow into our communities. And it has become a path utilized by terror suspects to try and sneak into our homeland. This broken system is endangering lives and U.S. security. Enough is enough. It is time for Congress to act and begin to repair the damage done by the radical posturing and inaction of the Biden Administration." (
  • "After reversing President Trump's effective immigration and border security policies, President Biden has created a crisis of historic proportions. By essentially opening borders and signaling promises of amnesty, we have a situation that is out of control and worsening by the day. In the coming days and weeks ahead, I hope the Biden Administration will finally listen to the officials on the ground and those who have observed the emergency firsthand. For the safety and security of American citizens and vulnerable migrants as well, President Biden must act now to secure the southern border." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2 "Secure the Border Act of 2023" (
  • "Tom has always believed that border security is the most important component of our immigration policy. Tom voted in favor of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which authorized the building of 700 miles of fence along the southern border. In 2014, when thousands of illegal immigrants were crossing our border from Central America, Tom opposed the housing of these illegals at Fort Sill. Within weeks, the Obama Administration closed their detention facility at Fort Sill. Tom stood strong for sending these illegal immigrants back to their country of origin as quickly and humanely as possible." (
  • Voted against HR 6 "American Dream and Promise Act of 2021" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 4691 "Iran Sanctions Relief Review Act of 2023" (
  • "Chinese economic coercion tactics take on many forms. Some are as blatant and public as unilateral, weaponized use of trade sanctions and embargoes for China's economic and business advantage. Others are more subtle, ranging from undercutting international access to the Chinese domestic market and exerting pressure on commercial investment deals, to the quiet imposition of other trade restrictions on companies seeking to do business in or with China." (
  • "In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, President Joe Biden was right to announce planned U.S. sanctions for this aggressive behavior. Unfortunately, I fear this action may be too little too late," said Cole. "Indeed, Russia has been amassing troops and blood on the Ukrainian border for months now and flouting the limits of international law. While swift and severe sanctions on Russia are important for defending our NATO allies and preserving the order on the world's stage, I am concerned that Russia is not intimidated or deterred." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6968 "Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act" (
  • Voted in favor of S 3522 "Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022" (
  • "Since Vladimir Putin's ruthless and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine two months ago, the Ukrainian people have bravely fought to defend their homeland and their democracy. But they need more support to finish the job, and the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act would deliver, ensuring that defense articles such as weapons, munitions, food, fuel and many other necessary supplies are expeditiously provided to our Ukrainian friends." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 8035 "Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7521 "Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act" (
This candidate has responded to a Political Courage Test in a previous election. As a continued effort to provide the American public with factual information on candidates running for public office, these archived responses are made available here.
The Political Courage Test asks candidates which items they will support if elected. It does not ask them to indicate which items they will oppose. Through extensive research of public polling data, we discovered that voters are more concerned with what candidates would support when elected to office, not what they oppose. If a candidate does not select a response to any part or all of any question, it does not necessarily indicate that the candidate is opposed to that particular item.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding abortion.

a) Abortions should always be illegal.
b) Abortions should always be legal.
c) Abortions should be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy.
X d) Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape.
X e) Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered.
X f) Prohibit the dilation and extraction procedure, also known as "partial-birth" abortion.
X g) Prohibit public funding of abortions and of organizations that advocate or perform abortions.
h) Other or expanded principles

Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category.Budget Priorities

Maintain Status a) Agriculture
Slightly Decrease b) Arts
Greatly Increase c) Defense
Slightly Increase d) Education
Slightly Decrease e) Environment
Greatly Increase f) Homeland security
Maintain Status g) International aid
Greatly Increase h) Law enforcement
Slightly Increase i) Medical research
Maintain Status j) National parks
Maintain Status k) Public health services
Maintain Status l) Scientific research
Maintain Status m) Space exploration programs
Maintain Status n) Transportation and highway infrastructure
Maintain Status o) Welfare
p) Other or expanded categories

Defense Spending

Greatly Increase a) Armed Forces personnel training
Greatly Increase b) Intelligence operations
Greatly Increase c) Military hardware
Greatly Increase d) Modernization of weaponry and equipment
Greatly Increase e) National missile defense
Greatly Increase f) Pay for active duty personnel
Greatly Increase g) Programs to improve troop retention rates
Greatly Increase h) Research and development of new weapons
Greatly Increase i) Troop and equipment readiness
j) Other or expanded categories

Using the key above, indicate what federal tax levels you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category.TaxesIncome Taxes:Family IncomeRetiree IncomeOther Taxes:Deductions/Credits:

Greatly Decrease a) Less than $25,000
Greatly Decrease b) $25,000-$75,000
Greatly Decrease c) $75,000-$150,000
Greatly Decrease d) Over $150,000
e) Other or expanded categories
Greatly Decrease f) Over $40,000
g) Other or expanded categories
Slightly Decrease a) Alcohol taxes
Eliminate b) Capital gains taxes
Maintain Status c) Cigarette taxes
Greatly Decrease d) Corporate taxes
Maintain Status e) Gasoline taxes
Eliminate f) Inheritance taxes
g) Other or expanded categories
Maintain Status a) Charitable contributions
Greatly Increase b) Child tax credit
Maintain Status c) Earned income tax credit
Maintain Status d) Medical expense deduction
Maintain Status e) Mortgage deduction
Maintain Status f) Student loan credit
g) Other or expanded categories
Yes 4) Do you support permanent repeal of the federal estate tax?
Yes 5) Do you support eliminating taxes on dividends paid to individual investors?
Yes 6) Should a married couple filing jointly pay the same taxes as if they were an unmarried couple filing separately?

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding campaign finance and government reform.

a) Support public taxpayer funding for federal candidates who comply with campaign spending limits.
X b) Increase the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns.
c) Prohibit Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions to candidates for federal office.
d) Allow unregulated soft money campaign contributions to political parties or committees.
e) Allow ads paid for by soft money that support or attack a candidate for federal office.
X f) Allow issue advocacy commercials by corporations, labor unions, and non-profit groups which appear within 60 days of a general election and within 30 days of a primary election.
X g) Remove all contribution limits on federal campaigns and parties.
Undecided h) Do you support instant run-off voting (IRV)?
Undecided i) Should Election Day be a national holiday?
No j) Should same-sex couples be allowed to form civil unions?
Yes k) Should marriage be restricted to a union only between a man and a woman?
l) Other or expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding crime.

X a) Support the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
b) Eliminate the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
X c) Impose "truth in sentencing" for violent criminals so they serve full sentences with no chance of parole.
X d) Support programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance when released.
X e) Support programs to provide prison inmates with drug and alcohol addiction treatment.
f) Reduce prison sentences for those who commit non-violent crimes.
X g) Support additional criminal penalties if a fetus is killed in the commission of a federal crime against a pregnant woman.
h) Require that crimes based on gender, sexual orientation, and disability be prosecuted as federal hate crimes.
X i) Support programs that provide job training and placement services for at-risk youth.
X j) Impose stricter penalties for those convicted of white-collar crimes.
k) Enforcement of civil rights should primarily be the responsibility of the federal government.
l) Minors accused of a violent crime should be prosecuted as adults.
m) Other or expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding drugs.

X a) Support mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
X b) Expand federally sponsored drug education and drug treatment programs.
c) Decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana.
d) Allow doctors to prescribe marijuana to their patients for medicinal purposes.
X e) Increase border security to stop the flow of illegal drugs into the United States.
f) Eliminate federal funding for programs associated with the "war on drugs."
g) Other or expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding education.

X a) Support national standards for and testing of public school students.
b) Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their children to any public school.
X c) Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their children to any private or religious school.
X d) Allow teachers and professionals to receive authorization and funding to establish charter schools.
X e) Increase funding for block grants to states to aid in the hiring of additional teachers.
X f) Support teacher testing and reward teachers with merit pay.
X g) Increase funding for school capital improvements (e.g. buildings, infrastructure, technology).
X h) Support granting states limited control over Head Start programs.
X i) Support changing the mission of Head Start to emphasize improving the math and reading skills of disadvantaged children.
j) Providing education is not a responsibility of the federal government.
k) Support affirmative action in public college admissions.
X l) Increase funding of programs such as Pell grants and Stafford loans to help students pay for college.
X m) Support federal tax incentives to help families save for college.
X n) Other or expanded principles

1) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding employment.2) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding affirmative action.

X a) Increase funding for national job-training programs that re-train displaced workers or teach skills needed in today's job market.
X b) Reduce government regulation of the private sector in order to encourage investment and economic expansion.
X c) Provide tax credits or grants to businesses that offer child care services to employees.
X d) Encourage employers to offer flex-time scheduling, comp-time, and unpaid leave for family emergencies.
e) Eliminate all federal programs designed to reduce unemployment.
f) Increase the federal minimum wage.
g) Support the right of workers to strike without fear of being permanently replaced.
X h) Allow workers to sell company stock and to diversify their company retirement funds into other investment options.
i) Other or expanded principles
a) The federal government should consider race and gender in government contracting decisions.
b) The federal government should discontinue affirmative action programs.
c) The federal government should continue affirmative action programs.
d) Include sexual orientation in federal anti-discrimination laws.
e) Other or expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the environment and energy.

a) Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Water Act.
b) Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act.
X c) Require states to compensate citizens when environmental regulations limit uses of privately-owned land.
X d) Relax logging restrictions on federal lands.
X e) Relax standards on federal lands to allow increased recreational usage.
X f) Support increased development of traditional energy resources (e.g. coal, natural gas, oil).
g) Strengthen emission controls and fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles.
X h) Support opening a select portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration.
X i) Encourage further development and use of alternative fuels to reduce pollution.
X j) Support the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel.
X k) Allow energy producers to trade pollution credits.
l) Support the U.S. re-entering the Kyoto treaty process to limit global warming.
m) Other or expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding guns.

a) Renew the ban on the sale or transfer of semi-automatic guns, except those used for hunting.
b) Maintain and strengthen the current level of enforcement of existing federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
X c) Ease federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
d) Repeal federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
X e) Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
f) Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.
g) Require background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows.
h) Require a license for gun possession.
i) Establish a national database of ballistic "fingerprints" to track guns used in criminal activities.
X j) Support legislation that would protect manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers of firearms from civil lawsuits by crime victims.
k) Other or expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding health care.

a) Providing health care is not a responsibility of the federal government.
b) Implement a universal health care program to guarantee coverage to all Americans regardless of income.
X c) Support a Patient's Bill of Rights which includes appeal mechanisms when claims are denied.
d) Support a Patient's Bill of Rights which includes the right to sue when claims are denied.
X e) Expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts.
X f) Establish limits on the amount of punitive damages awarded in medical malpractice lawsuits.
X g) Support expanding prescription drug coverage under Medicare.
h) Support expanding prescription drug coverage under private managed care plans.
X i) Offer tax credits to individuals and small businesses to offset the cost of insurance coverage.
j) Support automatic enrollment of children in federal health care programs such as CHIP and Medicaid.
k) Allow 55-65 year-olds to buy into Medicare.
l) Support stem cell research on existing lines of stem cells.
m) Allow laboratories to create new lines of stem cells for additional research.
n) Other or expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding immigration.

a) Decrease the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country.
b) Establish English as the official national language.
c) Increase the number of visas issued for agricultural workers.
d) Relax restrictions barring legal immigrants from using social programs (e.g. public housing, food stamps).
e) Support amnesty for certain illegal immigrants who already reside in the United States.
f) Support the detention of asylum seekers from countries known to sponsor terrorism.
X g) Other or expanded principles

International AidIndicate which principles you support (if any) regarding United States economic assistance.

X a) Aid should be granted to countries when extraordinary circumstances cause disaster and threaten civilian lives.
X b) Aid should be granted to countries when it is in the security interests of the United States.
c) Aid should be eliminated for any nation with documented human rights abuses.
d) Aid programs should be scaled back and eventually eliminated.
e) Other or expanded principles

International Policy1) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the Middle East.2) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding Central and East Asia.3) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the United Nations.

Yes a) Should the United States continue to provide leadership in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
Yes b) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state?
No c) Should the United States withdraw its troops from Iraq?
e) Other or expanded principles
Yes a) Should the United States use diplomatic and economic pressure to encourage North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program?
No b) Should the United States use military force to destroy the North Korean nuclear weapons program?
No c) Should the United States remove the North Korean government from power?
Yes d) Should the United States increase financial support to Afghanistan?
Yes e) Should the United States increase military support to Afghanistan?
f) Other or expanded principles
Yes a) Should the United States maintain its financial support of the United Nations?
No b) Should the United States decrease its financial support of the United Nations?
Undecided c) Should the United States commit troops to United Nations peacekeeping missions?
No 4) Should the United States lift the travel ban to Cuba?
Yes 5) Should the United States increase its financial support to Colombia to combat "the war on drugs"?
Yes 6) Should aid to African nations for AIDS prevention programs fund distribution of contraceptives?
Yes 7) Should aid to African nations for AIDS prevention fund abstinence education?
8) Other or expanded principles

International TradeIndicate which principles you support (if any) regarding international trade.

Yes 1) Do you support the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
Yes 2) Do you support the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?
Yes 3) Do you support continued U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
4) Should a nation's human rights record affect its normal trade relations (most favored nation) status with the United States?
Yes 5) Do you support the trade embargo against Cuba?
Undecided 6) Should trade agreements include provisions to address environmental concerns and to protect workers' rights?

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding national security.

Yes a) Do you support using military tribunals to try suspected terrorists when ordinary civilian courts are deemed inappropriate or impractical?
Yes b) Should the United States adopt stricter rules for student visa applications from nations known to sponsor terrorism?
Undecided c) Should the United States grant law enforcement agencies greater discretion to read mail and email, tap phones, and conduct random searches to prevent future terrorist attacks?
Yes d) Should the United States hold foreign states accountable for terrorists who operate in their country?
Yes e) Should the federal government increase funding to states and cities for homeland security?
Yes f) Do you support a policy of pre-emptive strikes against countries deemed to be a threat to national security?
g) Other or expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding Social Security.

X a) Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they manage themselves.
X b) Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts managed by private firms contracted by the government.
c) Invest a portion of Social Security assets collectively in stocks and bonds instead of United States Treasury securities.
d) Increase the payroll tax to better finance Social Security in its current form.
e) Lower the annual cost-of-living increases.
f) Raise the retirement age for when individuals are eligible to receive full Social Security benefits.
g) Other of expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding technology and communication.

a) Collect taxes on commercial Internet transactions.
b) Continue the moratorium on Internet taxation.
c) Implement regulation of Internet content.
X d) Support government mandates to curtail violent and sexual content on television.
X e) Support strict penalties for Internet crimes (e.g. hacking, identity theft, worms/viruses).
X f) Support legislation to detail how personal information can be collected and used on the Internet.
g) Regulating the Internet is not a responsibility of the federal government.
X h) Impose regulations on "spam" emails.
i) Other or expanded principles

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding welfare and poverty.

X a) Require welfare recipients to spend at least 40 hours a week in a combination of work and training programs.
X b) Increase funding for child care programs.
X c) Continue to give states and local governments flexibility in and responsibility for welfare programs through federal block grants.
X d) Direct federal poverty aid through religious, community-based, or other non-profit organizations.
e) Abolish all federal welfare programs.
X f) Support housing assistance for low-income families.
g) Other or expanded principles
On an attached page, disk, or via email, please explain in a total of 75 words or less, your top two or three priorities if elected. If they require additional funding for implementation, please explain how you would obtain this funding.

Vote Smart does not permit the use of its name or programs in any campaign activity, including advertising, debates, and speeches.
