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Howie Hawkins' Public Statements

On The Ballot: Running, Green Party for President

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11/08/2020 Tweet - ""We are happy to see Trump go. Good riddance! We will continue to fight for a Green New Deal, an Economic Bill of Rights including Medicare for All, and a reprioritization of federal spending from militarism to caring for the people and the planet.""
11/05/2020 Tweet - "If I had been elected President, on my first day I would have declared a #ClimateEmergecy and taken executive action to save life on our planet and give a decent future to our children. Whomever wins needs to do the same. #GreenNewDeal #NoFossilFuels"
11/03/2020 Tweet - "How are you going to vote against Trump? By voting for neoliberal austerity or by voting for progressive policies that you need? We're the only campaign calling for a Green New Deal and Medicare for All! #NeverSettle Vote your values. Vote Hawkins/Walker!"
11/03/2020 Tweet - "Like Green campaigns in 2004 and 2016, we are prepared to fight to make sure every vote is counted! This may require legal challenges across the country and we will need your help! Donate to our Election Protection Legal Fund at"
11/02/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal will deliver 100% clean energy by 2030, create millions of new jobs, and implement an Economic Bill of Rights that will end poverty and homelessness and provide #MedicareForAll! Read about our #GreenNewDeal budget at"
10/31/2020 Tweet - "We need community control of the police so that there is the accountability and transparency needed to bring killer cops to justice and reimagine a public safety system that does not operate as an occupying army. Read about our proposal at"
10/29/2020 Tweet - "Trump may call climate change a hoax, but Biden acts like it's a hoax! We need a Green New Deal that not only addresses the climate crisis, but acts as a COVID recovery program that combats spiraling inequality. Read about our #GreenNewDeal proposal at"
10/29/2020 Tweet - "One of the most important things we need to do to avert climate catastrophe is ban fracking and all new fossil fuel infrastructure. We can't afford four more years of Trump's climate denial or four years of Biden's "fracking is the future" energy policy! We need a Green New Deal!"
10/28/2020 Tweet - "I have been calling for justice for Jonny Gammage for 25 years, He was killed by 5 white police officers in a traffic stop while visiting his cousin Ray Seals who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers."
10/25/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal delivers 100% clean energy, an economic bill of rights, and creates 38 million new jobs. Learn more about our proposal at"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "This year we've lost over 200,000 people to COVID. We also have lost 75,000 people due to substance abuse. Many, including veterans, unfortunately make a huge portion of this number. We must address both health crises. #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Our Ecosocialist Green New Deal will create 38 million jobs across all sectors, while providing a #JustTransition for workers as we transition all sectors of the economy to 100% clean,renewable energy by 2030! Read about our plan for a #GND at"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "The United States can make friends instead of enemies by using its wealth to be the world's humanitarian superpower instead of its imperialist superpower. #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Our #GreenNewDeal will create 38 million jobs and transform all sectors of the economy to zero emissions by 2030. #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "The United States needs ballot access reform and #RankedChoiceVoting #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "The free trade agreements we have signed onto have compromised our sovereignty. We need fair trade that respects the environment and labor! #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "We need proportional representation! #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "We need a monetary authority within the Department of the Treasury, not the Federal Reserve. #OpenDebate #Debates20220"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Capitalism works for the few (the ultra rich), fails for the many, exploits workers, and plunders the Global South! #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Any candidate on enough ballots to win the electoral college should be included in the debates. #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Chemicalized corporate agribusiness is driving family farmers off the land. Our rural reconstruction program will revitalize and reintegrate town and country. It will center around a Just Transition to Organic Agriculture and Green Manufacturing. #OpenDebate #Debates2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "The "public option" was how liberal groups undercut #MedicareForAll. We need to make healthcare a right for all Americans while reducing costs for consumers and taxpayers. #debates #Debate2020"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "The Green Party supports improved and expanded #MedicareForAll. The ACA did expand access to Medicaid, but it was written by insurance company CEOs to expand their profits. #Debates2020 #debate"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Both major parties are dominated by the military-industrial complex. I will cut the military budget by 75% to reinvest in our domestic needs and climate action. #Debates2020 #debate"
10/22/2020 Tweet - "Unlike the Obama administration, the Green Party will never make the mistake of deporting so many of our neighbors seeking a better life for their families. Immigrants continue to make our country stronger. #debates #Debates2020"

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