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Ben Luján, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Science

Date Title
04/27/2022 Blackburn, Luján Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Develop Next Generation of Tech Leaders and Entrepreneurs
06/25/2021 Luján Applauds Passage of Bill Supporting Public Health Missions of FDA and NIH
06/24/2021 Luján Introduces Legislation To Restore And Modernize National Labs For The 21st Century
05/11/2021 Luján, Collins Introduce Legislation to Increase Diversity in Alzheimer's Clinical Trials
04/01/2021 Luján Meets with U.S. Space Force Commander
01/28/2021 Heinrich, Luján, Haaland Recognize Sandia Contributions to State Economy, Employment
11/20/2018 Udall, Heinrich, Luján Welcome New Pricing Preferences For Northern NM Businesses Contracting With LANL
12/08/2017 Lujan Introduces Bill to Spur Partnerships Between Labs & Local Businesses
08/02/2016 Udall, Heinrich, Luján Announce $225,000 Grant for Los Alamos Manufacturing Company to Develop Solar Energy Technology
05/09/2014 Lujan: Republican Research and Development Bill Does Not Fund and Refuses to Actually Support Research and Development
08/01/2013 Luján CRADA Bill Included in House Democrats' Make It In America Agenda
06/27/2013 N.M. Congressional Delegation Seeks to Help New Mexicans with Genetic Brain Disorder
05/08/2013 Luján and LANL Director McMillan Meet in DC to Discuss Funding for Environmental Cleanup at the Lab
04/24/2013 Luján Introduces Legislation to Spur Partnerships Between Labs and Local Businesses
05/28/2010 Rep. Luján Votes to Encourage Innovation, Economic Growth, American Competitiveness
05/19/2010 Rep. Luján Criticizes House Republicans for Blocking Job Creating Legislation
04/30/2010 Rep. Luján Votes To Strengthen American Competitiveness, Support DOE National Laboratories
01/08/2010 Rep. Luján Applauds Obama's Call For DHS To Work With National Labs To Improve Screening Technology