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Ben Luján, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Trade

Date Title
08/01/2022 Letter to Katherine Tai, United States Trade Representative - Senator Reverend Warnock Leads Bipartisan Group of Senators in Urging the U.S. Trade Representative to Increase International Market Access for Georgia's Pecan Growers
10/15/2020 Letter to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer - Rep. Austin Scott Leads Bipartisan Push to Increase International Market Access for U.S. Pecans
05/04/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, United States Secretary of State - Fitzpatrick Joins Overwhelming Bipartisan Majority of House Members Calls On Administration To Extend Iran Arms Embargo
07/13/2018 Letter to the Hon. David Johanson, Chairman of the the US International Trade Commission - Reverse Newsprint Tariffs Hurting NM Newspapers
03/09/2018 Letter to the Hon. Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce - NM Delegation Urges Against Tariffs on Newsprint
02/05/2018 Letter to the Honorable Jerry Moran, Chairman, and the Honorable Richard Blumenthal, Ranking Member of House Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security - Uber's FTC Deception
01/23/2018 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - End Outsourcing
04/26/2017 Letter to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Level Playing Field for U.S. Dairy Products
04/05/2017 Letter to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Failed Policies on Trade with China
08/29/2016 Letter to the Hon. Barack Obama, President of the United States - Postpone Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia
10/09/2015 Letter to the Hon. Penny Pritzker, Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce and the Hon. Edith Ramirez, Chairwoman, Federal Trade Commission - U.S. E.U. Safe Harbor Agreement
09/25/2015 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Trans-Pacific Partnership
04/30/2015 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State, Anthony Foxx, Secretary of Transportation - U.S. Open Skies Policy
06/17/2014 Letter to Penny Pritzker, Secretary of Commerce - Level Playing Field For U.S. Steel Manufacturers
06/12/2014 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State, and Michael Froman, U.S. Trade Representative - End Trade Negotiations with Brunei
05/29/2014 Letter to Michael Froman, Ambassador Office of the US Trade Representative - Protect Workers' Rights in TPP Negotiations
05/09/2014 Letter to Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Michael Froman, US Trade Representative - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
11/13/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Outdated Fast Track For Trans-Pacific Partnership
07/10/2013 Letter to Ambassador Froman - Footwear
06/05/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Currency Manipulation in Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
12/09/2011 Letter to President Obama
09/28/2010 Letter to The President