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David Schweikert's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (AZ) - District 1

Date Title
06/25/2019 Reps. McGovern, Schweikert Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Help Cancer Patients and Individuals Affected by Alopecia Areata
03/06/2017 Ways and Means Republicans Release Legislation to Repeal and Replace Obamacare
01/16/2014 Rep. Schweikert Calls for Updates on Enrollment Numbers
12/20/2013 Rep. David Schweikert: President Obama's Press Conference a Leadership Moment Opportunity to Provide Relief for Working Families
12/04/2013 CPA Testifies on Implementation of President's Health Care Plan: "What Do I Have to Do to Avoid This?
11/27/2013 Rep. Schweikert on Latest Delay in President's Health Care Plan
11/13/2013 Rep. David Schweikert on Healthcare.Gov Numbers: "Incompetence" and "Negligence"
10/23/2013 Rep. Schweikert on Tomorrow's Phoenix Visit by HHS Secretary Sebelius
10/15/2013 Time for Long-term Solutions to Nation's Debt Crisis
10/04/2013 Can We Disagree Without Being Disagreeable?
06/10/2013 Rep. Schweikert Announces Opposition to Arizona Medicaid Expansin
06/28/2012 Rep. Schweikert Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare
03/26/2012 The Supreme Court Decision of Our Lifetime
03/23/2012 The Terrible Twos
02/26/2012 A Message from David
05/31/2011 Rep. Schweikert Discusses Debt Ceiling on Fox News: Right Now I am a No
05/13/2011 Rep. Schweikert Statement on Medicare and Social Security Report
05/06/2011 A Message from David
03/23/2011 One Year Later: This Sick Healthcare Legislation Needs to Be Taken Off Life Support
01/19/2011 Rep. Schweikert Votes to Repeal Obamacare