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Steve Pearce's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

Date Title
08/22/2018 Steve Pearce Statement on Surge in New Mexico Revenue Projections from Energy Boom
07/19/2017 Pearce Votes to Advance Energy Infrastructure
04/03/2017 Pearce Statement on Repeal of ONRR Rule
02/13/2017 Pearce Statement on New Oil Refinery in New Mexico
06/22/2016 Pearce Statement on Court Ruling Against BLM Fracturing Rule
05/13/2016 Pearce Statement on Administration's Continued War on Affordable Energy
05/11/2016 Pearce Statement on Intrepid's Temporary Closure of Carlsbad Facility
11/06/2015 President Says "NO" to Jobs
10/28/2015 Backroom Budget Bad for New Mexico and Seniors
10/22/2015 House Passes Critical Minerals Bill with Pearce Amendment
10/09/2015 Pearce Helps Spearhead Passage of Bill to Lift Oil Export Ban
10/08/2015 Pearce Votes for Native American Jobs
08/18/2015 Costly EPA Methane Regs Derail Jobs
06/05/2015 U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce Statement on Jobs Report
03/20/2015 Pearce: Obama Administration Derails Jobs, Economic Growth, with Unnecessary Hydraulic Fracturing Rule
02/11/2015 Pearce Votes to Send Keystone XL Bill to President's Desk
05/22/2013 Pearce: Keystone Means Jobs, Energy for America
04/23/2012 Pearce: Administration Should Stand by its Word
04/02/2012 Pearce: Senate Vote Will Drive Up Energy Costs
03/21/2012 Pearce: President's Rhetoric Does Not Match Actions
01/24/2012 Pearce: Americans Need Solutions-Not Empty Promises
01/18/2012 Pearce: Obama Administration Chooses Special Interest Over American Jobs, Energy Security
03/11/2008 Domestic Oil Supply is not Meeting Nation's High Demand