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Steve Pearce's Public Statements on Issue: Veterans

Date Title
05/08/2018 Pearce Releases Statement on Veterans Choice Program
01/10/2018 NM Representatives break the stalemate on Fisher House
11/13/2017 Pearce Veterans Day Address
09/14/2016 Pearce Statement on Legislation that Holds the VA Accountable
11/11/2015 Pearce: We Honor the Sacrifice of Veterans, Families
07/29/2015 Pearce Votes to Put Veterans First
05/25/2015 Pearce Honors Memorial Day
05/20/2015 Pearce: VA Grant Award for New Veterans Nursing Home Will Help N.M
04/30/2015 Pearce Votes to Increase Funding for Veterans and Military Construction
12/12/2014 Omnibus Spending Bill to Provide Certainty, Stability for NM Businesses
11/11/2014 Veterans Day is a Day to Remember and Show Gratitude for Our Nation's Veterans
07/29/2014 Statement on Agreement to Reform the Department of Veterans Affairs
05/30/2014 Pearce: Shinseki's Resignation was The Correct Decision
05/29/2014 Pearce: Time For New Leadership at The VA
05/23/2014 Pearce: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
11/11/2013 Thank You to Veterans, Families
11/11/2011 Pearce: Today We Remember, We Say Thank You
11/07/2011 Congressman Pearce Introduces Legislation to Support Veterans
11/02/2011 Congressman Pearce Reaffirms Support for Veterans
09/01/2011 We Must Remember to Thank Our Veterans
05/30/2011 Congressman Pearce: Memorial Day is a Time for Remembrance and Gratitude
09/11/2010 Ninth Anniversary of September 11th Attacks
07/25/2008 House Leadership Heeds Pearce Request, Takes up Veterans' Appropriations
07/18/2008 Pearce Calls on Leadership to Move on Veterans' Funding
02/03/2008 Pearce: Remember Our Veterans Today